Consumers Ohio Water - Stark Regional Division - Executive Summary

| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

 In accordance with the EPA/RMP regulations, this is the documented management system for a Program 3 process with a clear delineation of overall management responsibility for the program implementation and lines of responsibility. For all personnel, assigned responsibility for individual requirements, this plan identifies the persons responsible and is made up of four major areas identified as the Management System, Hazard Assessment, Prevention Program and The Emergency response Program. 
The Hazard Assessment is made up of the worst case analysis and alternataive realease analysis utilizing Degadis modeling. Also included is a five year accident history, with no accidental realeases occurring at this facility during the past five years. 
The facility is a standard water treatment plant using chlorine as a disinfectant for potable water. One ton containers of chlorine, exceeding an inventory of 2500 lbs, are stored in a separate enclosed building. The worst case release scenario, id 
entified in the hazard assessment, would be the release of the entire contents of a one ton container of chlorine gas. This type of release would have an offsite impact of 1.5 miles around the treatment facility. The affected area includes residences, two manufacturing firms, two schools, and a hospital. The alternate release scenarios would be a pin hole piping leak or a vacuum regulator leak with an offsite impact of .1 miles and .2 miles respectively. The leak detection system includes audible alarms, strobe lights, report back to the central computer, and keyed interlocks on the exhaust system of the sealed chlorine facility. 
The most comprehensive section of the RMP is the Prevention Program. This section includes detailed information and procedures on Process Safety Information, Process Hazard Analysis, Operating Procedures, Training, Mechanical Integrity, Management of Change, Pre-Startupu Review, Compliance Audits, Incident Investigations, Employee Participation Plan, Hot Work 
Permits, and Contractors Safety. 
The last section of the RMP is entitled Emergency Response Plan. The purpose of this plan is to minimize the duration and the effects of an accidental release, thereby protecting public health and the environment. Although the facility will not be first responders in the event of an accidental release, the emergency plan details the procedures to follow and includes names and phone numbers of the responding parties.  
The electronic data elements of the Executive Summary Section 1 entitled registration is made part of the Executive Summary. The complete electronic filing is included in the appendix.
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