Ice Cream division-Bakersfield Plant - Executive Summary

| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

A.    Describe the accident release prevention and emergency policies 
It is the intent of Nestle to provide a safe work environment for every employee and to protect them from injury and illness resulting from unsafe acts or conditions during hours of employment. Nestle will also comply with all federal, state, and local laws. The plant manager has the responsibility for leadership of the safety and health program, for its effectiveness and improvement, and for providing the safeguards required to ensure safe conditions. 
Ammonia safety programs are key components in the plant safety and health program. Nestles exercises many precautions to prevent or minimize accidental releases of ammonia. These precautions include safety controls (alarms and automatic shutdown devices) which are designed to identify and prevent potentially unsafe conditions like pressure increases that could cause a system failure, a preventive maintenance program designed to maintain the on-going integrity of the 
system, a training program designed to ensure that the system is operated by qualified personnel, and emergency response procedures which enable trained personnel to respond quickly to upsets in the system. 
The PSM/RMP Coordinator is responsible for the management of the ammonia safety programs. 
B.    Stationary source and regulated substances Handled 
Nestle Bakersfield Plant produces ice-cream products for sale to the public. The facility operates an ammonia refrigeration system to freeze ice-cream products and also to operate the plant air-conditioning. The maximum ammonia inventory at the plant is approximately 101,000 pounds. Ammonia is the only regulated substance handled at the Bakersfield plant. 
c.    Summary of Worst-case and Alternative release scenarios 
The Worst-Case toxic release scenario at the Bakersfield Plant involves the release of 34,276 pounds of ammonia over a 35 minute period due to the failure of the High Pressure Receiver (HPR), The HPR receiver has th 
e capacity to contain a maximum ammonia inventory of 48,967 pounds at 100%. But because of written administrative procedures and mechanical controls in place at the plant to limit the amount of ammonia stored in the High Pressure Receiver to 70% (34,276 pounds) or less. The release rate also assumes that the enclosed engine room would limit the amount released to the atmosphere. Under worst-case conditions, the resulting vapor cloud could have off-site impacts. 
The Alternative toxic release scenario at the Bakersfield Plant involves the release of 18,649 pounds of ammonia over 11 minutes due to a pressure relief valve opening. The release duration was assumed to be limited by the response of the Utility Mechanics to the ammonia detector in this line and access platforms to the dual pressure relief valve.Under alternative release conditions, the resulting vapor cloud could have off-site impacts. 
The Worst-Case and alternative toxic release scenarios are unlikely for the following reas 
1) Industry standards are followed for the design and manufacture of the equipment in the ammonia 
   refrigeration system. 
2) The ammonia receivers are well protected from vehicular traffic. 
3) Pressure safety valves on the ammonia receivers should limit any pressure increases inside the  
4) Ammonia detectors should readily detect releases from the pressure relief valves on the ammonia  
5) Ammonia is not corrosive in this service. 
6) The facility has a preventive maintenance program in place to maintain the on-going integrity of the  
    ammonia refrigeration equipment. 
7) The Facility has a training program designed to ensure that qualified personnel operate the system. 
8) The facility has emergency response procedures that enable trained personnel to respond quickly to  
    isolate any potential releases. 
D.    Description of the Accidental Release Prevention program  
The facility has a program level 3 accident release prevention program for 
the ammonia system that complies with OSHA's Process Safety Management standard and EPA's Risk Management Program Regulation. The ammonia prevention program consists of the follow elements: 
 1) Employee Participation Program 
 2) Process Safety Information 
 3) Process Hazard Analysis 
 4) Operating Procedures 
 5) Training Program 
 6) Contractor Safety Program 
 7) Pre-Startup Safety Review Procedures 
 8) Mechanical Integrity Program 
 9) Hot Work Permit Procedures 
10) Management of Change procedures  
11) Incident Investigation Procedures 
12) Compliance Audit Procedures 
E.    Five Year Accident History 
One ammonia-related incident was identified for the Bakersfield Plant during the previous five years that resulted in significant on-site consequences. The amount released was eleven (11) pounds of ammonia. The on-site Injury had no offsite consequences. Upgraded oil removing equipment with new process controls were implemented as a result of this accident. 
F. Description of  
the Emergency Response Program 
An Emergency response program is in place at the Bakersfield Plant. This program contains procedures describing how the facility will respond to fires, ammonia leaks and other emergencies, including evacuation procedures. 
The Emergency response program includes the following elements: 
1) Fire Plan 
2) Ammonia Leak Procedures 
3) Evacuation Procedures 
4) Responsibilities of the Emergency Response team 
   **The above Program has been coordinated with the Bakersfield fire Department. 
G.    Planned Changes to Improve Safety to the ammonia refrigeration system 
1) Y2K compliant action plan addressed problems and items to be replaced. Replacement of items will be  
    completed before 12/31/1999. 
2) Seismic action plan is in place. Proposals for a Seismic Analysis are pending at this time. Once 
    Seismic items are addressed they will be evaluated and implemented as required. 
3) Pipe insulation action plan is in place. Three-year replacement plan was est 
ablished; in year 2 of the 
   plan at this time. 
4) Install ammonia to air treatment system for emergency exhaust fans and safety relief valve header.
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