Elmer's Products Guilford Road Facility - Executive Summary

| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

Elmer's Products, Inc., Guilford Road, Bainbridge, New York manufactures glue products.  Vinyl acetate monomer (VAM) is used in the manufacturing process.  VAM is stored on-site in three 10,000 gallon tanks.  The tank storage area is locatd within a containment (diked) area.  VAM is pumped into the production area weigh tanks at the beginning of each production batch run.  The VAM storage area, pumping system and pipeline are constantly monitored for presence of VAM vapors.  When VAM vapors are sensed an automatic power cutoff is activated, eliminating any potential for a VAM leak.  The facility personnel also visually inspect the VAM storage/pumping system on a daily basis.
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