Industrial Chemicals Corporation - Executive Summary

| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

Industrial Chemicals Corporation (ICC) is a small business engaged in the wholesale distribution of bulk chemicals.  They have operated at the Arvada facility since 1971 with an excellent safety record.  Although ICC handles a number of chemicals, only ethyl ether  is covered under the Risk Management Plan (RMP) rule.  ICC's Emergency Response Plan and overall Risk Management Plan were developed in the early 1990s for the entire facility, and ICC's RMP for ethyl ether is based on these existing plans. 
Ethyl ether is delivered in tank trucks containing approximately 7,500 gallons (45,000 lb).  These tank trucks are parked overnight at the unloading area and are unloaded into 55-gallon drums for delivery to customers.  The empty tanker is removed the same day unloading is completed.  Drums of ethyl ether are stored on site in a sprinkled warehouse.  All transfers are conducted in accordance with industry-recommended equipment, and there has never been an incident involving ethyl ether a 
t the ICC facility. 
The worst case scenario (by EPA rule) involves the maximum quantity in a process, which is 45,000 pounds.  The worst-case scenario for flammables produced a maximum impact distance of 0.3 miles from the facility.  Alternative scenarios such as pool fires or vapor cloud fires were calculated using EPA's RMPComp model and produced maximum impact distances of 0.1 miles or less. 
ICC has installed a number of passive and active safety controls to promote the safe handling of ethyl ether.  These measures include extensive concrete diking to stop the flow of any ether spilled during transfer and detailed written procedures describing transfer operations and emergency responses.  Large quantities of absorbent are always stored on site at ICC in the event of a spill in the diked area. 
Emergency Response to the ICC facility is coordinated by Southwest Adams County Fire Protection District.  They are the first responders and are responsible for calling in Adams County HazMa 
t and other supporting organizations if needed.  They also provide incident command in the event of a large spill or fire. 
Risk management and emergency preparedness was a part of ICC's operations long before the RMP rule was published.  ICC's proactive attitued towards Risk management is reflected in the facility design, the operating procedures, the cooperation with local responders, and the employee's attitudes.  This RMP summarizes the existing Emergency Response and Risk Management plans at ICC.
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