TYSON FOODS, INC. GADSDEN, AL. - Executive Summary

| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

1.  Accidental release prevention and emergency response polices. To insure safe operation and release prevention at Tyson Foods GADSDEN, AL., this facility has implemented The Occupational Safety and Health Administrations Chemical Process Safety Management Program 29 CFR 1910.119.  All operators of systems containing the threshold amount of hazardous chemicals will undergo Chemical Process Safety Management training and operator training specific to the system.  
To insure proper response to emergency situations, Tyson Foods GADSDEN, AL., has implemented Emergency Action Plans as required by The Occupational Safety and Health Administrations 29 CFR 1910.38(a) and Emergency Response Plans 29 CFR 1910.120. All safety personnel and operators of the process will be trained in these emergency procedures. 
2.  The stationary source and regulated substances handled. 
 Poultry slaughter plant, further processing. 
egulated substances: Ammonia  
 Amount of regulated substance: 50,000LBS. 
3.  Worst-case release scenario and alternative release scenario(s). 
Worst-case scenario. - Failure of high pressure receiver when full releasing 25,000 pounds of ammonia in 10 minutes.   The high pressure receiver will be full only when the entire system is being pumped down for repairs.  This situation occurs on the average of 2 to 4 times per year.  Therefore the possibility of a worst-case scenario will exist only 2% of the time.  This facility has never had a failure of a high pressure receiver.  The loss of 25,000 pounds of ammonia will have a distance of 1.8 MILES before no longer posing a health hazard to the public.  
Alternative release scenario  - An upset condition resulting in an overpressure of the ammonia system causing a safety relief valve to discharge 500 pounds of ammonia in 5 minutes.  The loss of 500 pounds of ammonia will have a distance of 450 feet before no longer posing a health ha 
zard to the public.  The ammonia system is equipped with high pressure cutouts that help to prevent releases of this nature.  Operator training to prevent upset conditions is also required. This facility has had 0 releases in the past 5 years of this type. 
4.  The general accidental release prevention program. 
     This facility complies with the Occupational Safety and Health Administrations Chemical Process Safety Management 29 CFR 1910.119 and the Environmental Protection Agencies Risk Management Program 40 CFR Part 68.  For ammonia systems  
   Tyson Foods, Inc. has adopted the International Institute of Ammonia Refrigeration guidelines for system operation and maintenance.  Tyson Foods Inc. uses the IIAR Basic Ammonia Refrigeration Training Series for all operators.  
5.  Five-year accident history. 
6.   The emergency response program.     
A fully trained and equipped Emergency Response Team is on site.  This team is trained to the Hazardous Materials Responder-Technicia 
n response capability in accordance with OSHA 29 CFR 1910.120 (q).  The team is capable of affecting all control measures (both confinement operations and containment operations) required to remediate the incident. 
A written Emergency Response Plan has been developed and is on record at the Facility.  This plan includes Pre-Emergency Planning with Outside Agencies, Personnel Roles and Lines of Incident Command Authority, Facility Hazard Analysis and Emergency Prevention, Safe Distances and Places of Refuge, Site Security and Control, Evacuation Routes and Procedures, Decontamination Procedures, provisions for Emergency Medical Treatment, Emergency Notification Procedures, Chemical Response Procedures, Post Incident Critique, and Personal Protective Clothing and Emergency Equipment. 
All Hazmat courses at Tyson Foods, Inc., are designed to meet training requirements of the OSHA 29 CFR 1910.120 (q) (7) and (8).   
All GADSDEN, AL. Hazmat Team Members are trained 24 hours initially to the 
Technician level followed by 8-24 hours of refresher training per year under the direction of the on-site Hazmat Instructor at the facility. Each Instructor receives an initial 40 hours of training and 8-16 hours per year re-certification training that goes to I.C. level.  
The training is designed to teach both theory and hands-on training giving the person an overall understanding of the nature of hazardous materials and the ability to assess and safely respond to the incidents in the Incident Command structure.  Technician level training includes but is not limited to the following: 
7 Knowledge of basic hazards and risk assessment techniques 
7 Proper selection and use of appropriate and required PPE for the chemical hazard 
7 Terminology associated with Hazmat 
7 Advanced site control/security procedures 
7 Advanced Containment/Control/Decon procedures 
7 Use of Atmospheric Monitoring Equipment and Contaminant Test Procedures 
7 Incident Command Structure Roles and Line of Authority 
7 I 
nteraction with Local and State Officials 
7 Standard Operating Procedures for Clean-up and termination  
7 Critique 
On Site facility Instructors have completed in excess of 40 hours of Instructor's training, achieving the Incident Command level, over the past 5 years and have instructed their team in approximately 80 hours of training.   
All training materials, hands-on drills and response procedures have been developed under the direction of the Corporate Loss Control Department. 
All Team members are taught in Hazard Communication to report any observed chemical leaks/spills and odors to their supervisor or lead person immediately.  Supervisors and Leads are taught to report the above to the Safety or Process Manager immediately for 
further investigation and action by the Hazmat team.  MSDS information books are accessible to all team members for review. 
7.  Planned changes to improve safety. 
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