Walla Walla Farmers Coop - Prescott Fertilizer - Executive Summary

| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: 1. Facility Accidental Release Policy - The owners, management, and employees fo Walla Walla Farmers Co-op, 111 North 9th, Walla Walla, Washington 99362, with branch operations at 113 South D Street, Prescott, Washington 99348, and 5003 West Brinkley Road, Kennewick, Washington are committed to the prevention or any accidental release of anhydrous ammonia and aqua ammonia.  If an accidental release should occur, the facility is prepared to work with the local fire department, or other authorities to mitigate any release and minimize the impact of the release to people and the environment.  A detailed emergency response plan has been developed and will be implemented in the event of an accidental release.  2. Facility Information - *The primary activity at the Prescott Facility is the storage, blending and sale of fertilizers to farmers.  * Anhydrous ammonia and aqua ammonia are received, stored, and distributed for both direct application and for blending into mixed  
grade fertilizers for crop production nutrients.  * At Prescott the anhydrous ammonia is received by tanker truck and put into an 12,000 gallon above ground storage tank.  The maximum quantity of anhydrous ammonia at Prescott in storage is 52,500 pounds.  * At Walla Walla the converter, converts anhydrous ammonia to aqua ammonia and the product is transferred on site to above ground storage.  Product is than transferred from the Walla Walla location by tank truck to a 20,000 gallon above ground storage tank at the Prescott branch.  The maximun quantity of aqua ammonia in strorage at Prescott is 144,400 pounds.  3. The Worst Case Release and Alternative Release Scenarios - a. Anhydrous Ammonia - The worst case release scenario and for the Prescott facility is failure of the largest storage tank when filled to the greatest amount would release 52, 500 pounds of anhydrous ammonia, which represents the volume of the largest storage tank at 85% of capacity as limited by regulations.  The di 
stance to the endpoint is .70 miles.  The alternative release scenario, based on the most likely potential incident is a release from a 2-inch diameter pipe.  The distance to endpoint for 11,900 pounds is .41 miles.  b. Aqua Ammonia - The worst-case scenario for the Prescott facility is failure of the largest storage tank when filled to the greatest amount would release 144,400 pounds of 20% aqua ammonia.  The distance to the endpoint is .61 miles.  The alternative release scenario, based on the most likely potential incident is a release of 15,200 pounds.  The distance to the endpoint is .18 miles.  4. Accidental Release Prevention Program - The facility has implemented the provisions of the "Safety Requirements for Storage and Handling of Anhydrous Ammonia", published by the American National Standards Institute, INc. and the standards of OSHA 29 CFR 1910.111, Storage and Handling of Anhydrous Ammonia.  5. Five Year Accident History - There have been no accidental releases of anhydro 
us ammonia or aqua ammonia in the past 5 years.  6. The Emergency Response Program - The facilities emergency response program was written in accordance with the following regulations: *OSHA 29 CFR 1910.38. *OSHA 29 CFR 1910.120.  7. Planned Changes to Improve Safety - Safety improvement is an on-going process at the facility.  Periodic evaluations are performed to assess the maintenance of safe conditions.  There are no additional specific planned changes to the anhydrous ammonia or aqua ammonia processes at the facility.
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