Bashas' Distribution Center - Executive Summary

| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

The Bashas' Distribution Center facility has an emergency action plan in effect.  The Emergency Action Plan (Plan) is detailed in the Emergency Planning and Response section of the PSM/RMP document, which is maintained at the facility and updated as necessary.  This Plan was designed to meet the following objectives: 
 1.)  To save lives. 
 2.)  To minimize and avoid injuries. 
 3.)  To protect the environment. 
 4.)  To minimize property damage. 
Bashas' Distribution Center maintains a safety committee whose members are the designated emergency coordinators for the facility.  The Plan provides the response organization and notification procedures, evacuation routes, ammonia health hazards, and mitigation procedures which will be implemented to respond effectively to emergency situations that may arise at the facility.  This Plan is reviewed and updated at least once per year.  This Plan was reviewed and updated to ensure  
compliance with the PSM and RMP regulations, as well as to incorporate facility changes. 
Bashas' Distribution Center has coordinated emergency response efforts with the local fire department and with the contracted refrigeration operation and maintenance firm.  In the case of an ammonia-related emergency, it is the policy of Bashas' Distribution Center to evacuate and to allow the fire department to respond to the emergency.  The refrigeration contractor will be available for guidance and assistance. 
The facility including the ammonia refrigeration system at Bashas' Distribution Center was constructed in 1991.  An expansion of the ammonia refrigeration system occurred in 1998.  The facility is located at 200 South 56th Street in Chandler, Arizona 85226.  The system was constructed in accordance with all applicable federal, state, and local regulations including the Uniform Fire and Mechanical Codes. 
The Bashas' Distribution Center facility 
receives and distributes food and food products to Bashas', Food City, and AJ's Fine Foods grocery stores.  The ammonia refrigeration system uses 12,800 pounds of ammonia for dock operations, warehouse cold storage, and freezer storage.  The majority of the system is located in the ammonia engine room including vessels and compressors.  The condensers are mounted on the engine room roof, and all of the evaporators are located in their respective cold storage rooms/areas. 
*  Worst Case Release Result Summary 
     Scenario Description:  Release of the maximum quantity of ammonia that can be stored in a vessel (Controlled Pressure Receiver) - 11,500 pounds in 10 minutes.  The enclosure of the ammonia engine room provides a passive mitigation that limits the release rate to the atmosphere.  The most pessimistic meteorological conditions were used: 1.5 meters per second wind speed, and F stability.  The Risk Management Program Guidance for Ammonia Refrigerati 
on reference tables were used to determine the maximum distance to the toxic endpoint of 200 ppm in rural conditions.  This release reaches off site and may impact population receptors.  No environmental receptors were affected by this potential release. 
*  Alternative Release Result Summary 
    Scenario Description: A release of ammonia from resulting from a 1/4 inch diameter hole in a pipe.  The release rate of ammonia due to the pressure of the tank is 134 pounds per minute.  The meteorological conditions used were 3 meters per second wind speed, and D stability.  The Risk Management Program Guidance for Ammonia Refrigeration reference tables were used to determine the maximum distance to the toxic endpoint of 200 ppm in rural conditions.  This release reaches off site and may impact population receptors.  No environmental receptors were affected by this potential release. 
Based on visual observation of the area immediately surrounding Bashas' Distribution Center, it was determi 
ned that the residential population for this Alternative Release scenario was overpredicted (see item 3.12).  The population was estimated using 1990 census tract data with the Landview. III Environmental Mapping Software.  When calculating population densities for large areas which encompass many tracts, the accuracy is rated as good; however, for small areas that encompass only two or three partial tracts, the population data may be skewed due to the unequal distribution within the tract. 
The Bashas' Distribution Center ammonia refrigeration system has many safety features.  Much of the safety of the system is inherent in the policies and procedures that govern the operation of the system.  For example, the Bashas' Distribution Center facility operates in accordance with OSHA's Process Safety Management regulation. 
The Bashas' Distribution Center facility including the ammonia system was designed and con 
structed in accordance with the Uniform Mechanical Code which specifically outlines requirements for the safe operation of the ammonia refrigeration system.  These safety features include a water diffusion tank, ammonia sensors in the machine room as well as sensors in selected cold storage areas, and automatic shut down systems.  In addition, the majority of the ammonia is maintained inside the engine room and just outside of the machine room (condensers).  All pressure vessels are equipped with pressure relief valves to protect against extreme pressure conditions. 
In addition to the Uniform Mechanical Code, the facility will operate in accordance with the International Institute of Ammonia Refrigeration (IIAR) guidelines.  In particular, the IIAR Bulletin 110, "Startup, Inspection, and Maintenance of Ammonia Refrigeration Systems." 
There have been no ammonia accidents at the facility.  There have also been no ammonia accidents during the five year repor 
ting history beginning June 1994. 
The Bashas' Distribution Center has an emergency action plan in effect at the facility.  The Emergency Action Plan (Plan) is detailed in the Emergency Planning and Response section of this PSM/RMP document.  This Plan was designed to meet the following objectives: 
 1.)  To save lives. 
 2.)  To minimize and avoid injuries. 
 3.)  To protect the environment. 
 4.)  To minimize property damage. 
Bashas' Distribution Center maintains a safety committee whose members are the designated emergency coordinators for the facility.  The Plan provides the response organization and notification procedures, evacuation routes, ammonia health hazards, and mitigation procedures which will be implemented to respond effectively to emergency situations that may arise at the facility.  This Plan is reviewed and updated at least once per year.  This Plan was reviewed and updated to ensure compliance with the PSM and RMP regulations, as well  
as to incorporate facility changes due to the renovation of the facility. 
Bashas' Distribution Center has coordinated emergency response efforts with the local fire department and with the contracted refrigeration operation and maintenance firm.  In the case of an ammonia-related emergency, it is the policy of Bashas' Distribution Center to evacuate and to allow the fire department to respond to the emergency.  The refrigeration contractor will be available for guidance and assistance. 
The Process Hazard Analysis (PHA) provided mitigation measures to improve safety at the Bashas' Distribution Center facility located at 200 South 56th Street, Chandler, Arizona.  The recommendations are scheduled to be complete by March 1, 2000. 
* HAZOP Study 
R01    Consider establishing a procedure to station a Bashas' employee in the parking lot during an ammonia leak alarm to advise other employees of the proper evacuation location. 
R02    Consider installing v 
isual alarms outside the engine room doors that are activated at the lower ammonia detection setpoint.  Implement proper training for all employees. 
R03    Consider redesigning alarm scheme so that the Fire Department is called only when an  ammonia detector reaches the high (shut down) setpoint (250 ppm in the engine room). 
   Status:    Complete.  Alarm scheme has been redesigned accordingly. 
R04    Coordinate emergency response efforts with the local Fire Department and the local HazMat team on as-needed basis. 
R05    Train employees to be aware of the presence of and the hazards associated with anhydrous ammonia. 
R06    Train employees on how to report an ammonia leak. 
R07    Train employees to know what they are expected to do if an evacuation is initiated. 
R08    Use an absorbent material to assist in the cleanup process of spilled liquid ammonia. 
R09    Establish a policy to replace/recertify all pressure relief valves every 5 years or any time one is exercised. 
atus:    Complete. 
R10    Consider installing an additional eye wash/safety shower station outside the engine room. 
R11    Document oil draining procedures. 
   Status:    Complete.  Oil draining procedures are documented in the Operating Procedures section of this PSM/RMP document. 
R12    Consider labeling key valves in the system, including oil drain valves. 
R13    Consider redesigning alarm scheme with the offsite alarm company (AmerX) so that a high liquid level situation in a vessel is differentiated from a high level ammonia detection. 
   Status:    Complete.  Alarm scheme has been redesigned accordingly. 
R14    Determine and document the locations of ammonia sensors in the process and cold storage areas. 
R15    Consider posting zone maps of the evaporator zones. 
R16    Consider implementing an inspection sheet filing system to collect the refrigeration contractor's regular inspection sheets. 
   Status:    Complete. 
R17    Ensure that an employee or contractor perfor 
ming maintenance on the engine room roof (i.e. condensers, glycol heat exchanger) alerts somebody of the expected return time. 
   Status:    Not Applicable.  After further investigation, this recommendation was determined not to be necessary to improve safe operation of the facility.  The refrigeration contractor has a policy to use two operators when performing work on the roof. 
*  What-If Walkthrough 
R18    Post updated ammonia warning placards on all doors to the ammonia engine room. 
R19    Install wind socks that are visible from outside the engine room and from assigned evacuation locations. 
R20    Set a schedule for ammonia sensors to be tested and calibrated based on manufacturer recommendations. 
   Status:    Complete. 
R21    Institute a policy to hold and document annual evacuation drills at the facility.
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