Blackman Uhler Chemical Company - Executive Summary

| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

    Blackman Uhler Chemical Company, located in Spartanburg, S.C., manufactures textile dyestuffs and specialty organic chemicals.  The manufacture of these products requires the use of hazardous chemicals.  As a chemical manufacturer, Blackman Uhler Chemical takes it's responsibility to our employees and our community very seriously.  We accept the responsibility for identifying and managing the risks associated with hazardous chemicals by adhering to company safety, health and environmental policies that require us to make safety, health and environmental considerations a priority in our current operations and our planning and development of new products.  It is also our policy to adhere to all federal, state and local rules and regulations governing the protection of our employees, the communtiy and the environment. 
    Should an emergency involving hazardous materials occur, our emergency response plan is designed to warn and protect both our employees and the community.  This pl 
an has been reviewed with both the local fire department and county emergency response personnel. 
    Blackman Uhler Chemical Company is a batch processor of textile dyes and pigments and organic specialty chemicals.  Our products are used in textile, petroleum, photographic, pharmaceutical, agricultural and fiber products.  In our specialty chemical production we use methyl chloride which is considered hazardous by the EPA.  Methyl chloride is a gas.  It is received at our facility by tank truck and stored in a specially designed tank.  The maximum amount of methyl chloride on site is 52,516 pounds. 
    The complete failure of the methyl chloride storage tank resulting in the loss of the entire 52,516 pounds of product would be the worst case release scenario for this product at this facility.  Computer modeling of this scenario indicates off site impacts.  An alternate release scenario could occur as a result of the overfilling and resulting overpressurization of the storage tank 
resulting in the loss of approximately 1918 pounds of product.  The relief valve system would close at the design pressure preventing the entire loss of the tank contents.  Computer modeling of this scenario indicates minimal off site impact. 
    To reduce the potential for releases of hazardous chemicals, Blackman Uhler Chemical Company has developed a risk management system covering all aspects of our facility from design and construction, through start-up and operation, to maintenance and training.  Blackman Uhler Chemical complies with the rules and regulations contained in OSHA's Process Safety Management Standard.  Our facility employs a team of specifically trained employees including Environmental and Safety staff, Engineers, Chemists, Production Supervisors and Production Employees that use industry accepted methods for analyzing, reviewing and minimizing risks involved with our processes.  From this analysis, specific detailed operating procedures are developed and trainin 
g on these procedures conducted for all production employees. 
    Blackman Uhler Chemical Company has never had an accidental release of methyl chloride resulting in any injuries, damage or evacuation on site or off site. 
    Blackman Uhler Chemical Company has developed an emergency response plan designed to warn and protect both our employees and the surrounding community.  The plan contains detailed notification procedures for on site personnel as well as off site emergency response agencies.  These plans have been reviewed with the appropriate off site emergency response personnel  and county emergency planning agencies.  Procedures for the notification and evacuation, if necessary, of the surrounding community have also been reviewed.  The facility has an emergency response team specifically trained according to the EPA's Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response regulations.  All employees receive training in the facility emergency response amd evacuation plan. 
Blackman Uhler Chemical Company feels that the risk management systems and emergency response programs currently in place have proven to be effective thus far in our production history.  However, we are continously analyzing, reviewing, modifiying and improving these systems and programs.  It is our policy to strive for continuous improvement in every thing we do in order to provide quality products to our customers while providing a safe and healthy workplace for our employees and a clean environment for our community.
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