HOST ICE COMPANY - Executive Summary

| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

Host Ice Company operates a packaged ice manufacturing facility which uses ammonia as the refrigerant for both ice production and storage space refrigeration. 
We try to operate a very tight refrigeration system with minimal operational losses.  We have not experienced a major refrigerant loss in over seven years of operation. 
We utilize state operational safety analysis on a voluntary basis to help us correct areas we might be overlooking. 
We coordinate with the state of Texas Emergency Response Commission regarding T.R.I. reporting. 
We utilize IIAR material for posting equipment areas. 
The facility is located in an industrial area, and prevailing winds would distribute a release toward very low population areas.  Personnel have long experience and protective equipment to aid in securing a release event. 
All pressure vessels have safety pressure reliefs, and power equipment has safety over-pressure switches. 
We try to operate so the risk of a major event is minimized, and the re 
sponse is effective and timely.
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