Borman Park Water Filtration Plant - Executive Summary

| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

Northwest Indiana Water Company's Borman Park Water Filtration Plant, located in Gary, Indiana, utilizes chlorine for the purpose of disinfecting and treating potable, drinking water for use by the surrounding communities.  The hazards associated with the chlorination process (chlorine is considered a hazardous chemical by both OSHA and the EPA) necessitate certain safety precautions associated with the storage, handling, and use of this chemical.  Precautions are taken to prevent unnecessary human exposure, to reduce the threat to employees, and ultimately to reduce the threat of exposure to the nearby members of the community.  Northwest Indiana Water Company's policy is to adhere to all applicable Federal and State rules and regulations relative to chlorine safety.  Included, within the framework of these statutes, are guidelines associated with: 1) management system, 2) process safety information, 3) process hazard analysis, 4) operating procedures, 5) training, 6) contractor safet 
y, 7) management of change, 8) pre-start-up safety review, 9) mechanical integrity, 10) safe work practices, 11) incident investigation, 12) emergency planning and response, and 13) compliance audits.  Adherence to the aforementioned parameters, in addition to a combination of a) proper handling and usage, b) inherent safety designs of the equipment and process itself and c) sufficient training of all appropriate personnel will be utilized to achieve a goal of zero accidents and zero release exposure incidents.
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