Ajinomoto USA, Inc. - Executive Summary

| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

Ajinomoto USA Inc.  uses ammonia in its fermentation processing as a source of nitrogen and pH 
This facility complies with all applicable OSHA requirements for storage and handling of 
of anhydrous ammonia. 
Our worst case scenario involves the failure of one 30,000 gallon tank of ammonia, filled to the  
greatest amount allowed, resulting in a vapor cloud.  According to the EPA look-up tables 
the distance to endpoint would be 4.4 miles.  Within that radius is a population of 1,000 people. 
This includes the City of Eddyville, which is to the northeast of the facility. 
Our alternative release scenario involves a smaller release, from the failure of a transfer hose, 
used in delivery unloading.  This would result in a vapor cloud, of a smaller size.  According to 
the EPA look-up tables the distance to endpoint would be 0.7 miles.  The population density in 
this radius would be 28 people living in residences. 
This facility complies with the EPA accident prevention rule, all app 
licable state and local codes 
and regulations.  The ammonia system is installed to all regulations required and is regularly 
inspected and maintained for safe operation. 
Since the startup of this facility, there has never been a reportable release of ammonia from this 
tank causing injury, death, environmental or property damage. 
Ajinomoto USA, Inc.  has emergency response procedures in the event of a situation such as  
discussed above.  In the event of an emergency with our ammonia system, it is our policy to 
contact the Eddyville Fire Department, who would respond to the emergency.  This policy is 
communicated to all employees at this facility and has been discussed with members of the 
Eddyville Fire Dept..  Members of the Fire Department have visited this facility site and have 
seen the ammonia tankand system.
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