City of Mt. Pleasant Water Plant - Executive Summary

| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

The water treatment plant is located on the north side of I-30 and west of the Business Route of U. S. Highway 271, adjacent to the only other site that has been used for a water treatment plant. 
Facilities are in place to store one ton cylinders of chlorine and  to utilize these ton cylinders in the application of chlorine to the water produced from this plant and delivered to the citizens of Mt. Pleasant. Chlorine is considered hazardous by EPA.  The properties of chlorine that make it useful in the treatment of water make it necessary to observe safety precautions that will prevent unnecessary exposure to  chlorine thereby reducing the threat to the plant employees and also, reduce the threat to the persons in the community.  Ammonia is used in the water treatment process but is not stored in quantities that require regulation.  However, the same safety precaution in effect for chlorine are also applied to ammonia. Training of employees when they begin to work and subsequent review  
of hazards associated with chlorine will be prominent in preventing releases of chlorine to the atmosphere.  There have been no accidents in the preceding five year period.  A chlorine detector is mounted in the area to detect chlorine leaks. Accidental release prevention program is in effect and copies are retained in a manual available at the plant.  Emergency response policies have been in effect for sometime but are now being revised as part of the RMP.  Copies of the Emergency Response are maintained in a manual at the treatment plant.
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