Sugar Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant - Executive Summary

| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

Charlotte-Mecklenburg Utilities has developed a Risk Management Plan and Process Safety Management (RMP/PSM) program for control of catastrophic releases of extremely hazardous substances at its Sugar Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant (Sugar Creek WWTP) in Charlotte, North Carolina.  This program continues Charlotte-Mecklenburg Utilities' commitment to the protection of its employees and the surrounding community and the control of the potential for such a release. 
The Sugar Creek WWTP currently uses chlorine (delivered in one ton cylinders) as a disinfection agent to meet Safe Drinking Water Act requirements.  As a portion of the RMP/PSM program, Charlotte-Mecklenburg Utilities has developed the following accidental release prevention and emergency response policies for the use of chlorine as a disinfectant: 
1)  Protection of public health and our employees is Charlotte-Mecklenburg Utilities' highest priority. 
2)  Preventing the release of extremely hazardous substances is a key elem 
ent of that protection. 
3)  Every appropriate step will be taken to prevent these releases, including management commitment to: 
    a)  Make all important information readily available. 
    b)  Routinely define training to employees. 
    c)  Clearly define roles and responsibilities. 
4)  Fulfilling his or her roll in prevention of these releases is a condition of employment for every employee. 
In order to reduce the likelihood of a potential release, Charlotte-Mecklenburg Utilities has incorporated the following general accidental release prevention program and chlorine-specific prevention steps: 
1)  Charlotte-Mecklenburg Utilities plant maintenance staff shall conduct routine preventitive maintenance of key process components. 
2)  Charlotte-Mecklenburg Utilities employees shall conduct all work according to any applicalble Lockout/Tagout procedures. 
3)  Charlotte-Mecklenburg Utilities employees shall conduct all work according to any applicalble Hot Work Permits. 
4)  Charlotte-Me 
cklenburg Utilities maintains a routine Inspection and Compliance Audit schedule. 
5)  Charlotte-Mecklenburg Utilities is in the process of developing a program that requires all Contractors to pre-qualify for any work conducted for Charlotte-Mecklenburg Utilities.  The Pre-Qualification process identifies contractors that can perform site activites without compromising the safety or health of Charlotte-Mecklenburg Utilities personnel. 
6)  Frequent employee training on the operation and maintenance of all the chlorine facilites. 
7)  Detailed Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for all chlorine operations and maintenance have been developed and shall be adhered to. 
8)  Pipelines that contain chlorine or chlorine solution shall bear a yellow "chlorine" label. 
9)  All work on chlorine-labeled or chlorine-containing equipment must follow the SOPs and will proceed only after notification of the Maintenance Supervisor, Plant Supervisor, and the inside operator. 
10)  Only those persons traine 
d in chlorine safety shall be present during any work that could produce a release. 
Charlotte-Mecklenburg Utilities' emergency response program uses an external emergency response team and focuses on keeping employees away from dangerous areas, while the mechanical equipment and contract emergency services control the chemical release.  When an emloyee observes a release he/she shall secure the area if possible, immediately notify the inside plant operator, make sure the inside operator notifies one of the emergency coordinators, and leave the area.
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