Water Reclamation Facility #1 - Executive Summary

| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

This facility is very proactive concerning safety. Any safety item budgeted for receives first priority at budget time. There are severe disciplinary actions taken against any employee for violating established safety procedures. At the present time, the only regulated substance of threshold quantity is chlorine. This is stored and used for the disinfection of treated wastewater effluent. We normally store no more than 10,000 pounds of chlorine in ton containers but can store up to 14,000 pounds. Average annual daily storage is about 6,000 pounds. The two scenarios addressed in this report are at endpoints of ? and ? miles for the worst case and alternate scenarios, respectively. This was calculated by using RMP Comp. Population affected is ? people versus ? people, respectively. This was calculated by using Landview 3. To prevent a worst case release, there are chlorine leak detectors located in both the chlorine storage area and chlorine control area. These are set to alarm with high 
-decibel audible alarms and red beacons at several points within the facility. This facility is manned 24-hours per day, 7 days per week by a licensed wastewater treatment plant operator who monitors the facility and all alarm conditions. The Water & Sewer Department joined together with the Ocala Fire Department to establish a chlorine emergency response team. The two entities train together and share resources, expertise and training facilities. There are annual chlorine full-functional or tabletop response exercises. Critiques of the responses are incorporated into the PSM manuals as PHA assessments.
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