City of Ocala Water Treatment Plant - Executive Summary

| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

Our utility is very proactive in safety. During the budget process , any safety item need will take first priorty. There is severe disciplinary action for any employee violating established safety procedures. At present the only regulated substance of threshold quantity is chlorine. This is stored and used for the disinfection of potable water. The average daily storage amount is 4000 pounds. The two scenarios addressed in this report are at endpoints of 0.9 and 0.1 miles for the worst case and alternate scenarios, respectively. This was calculated using RMP Comp. Population affected is 2782 people versus 1 person, based on the LandView3 program. In both scenarios , a partial enclosure of the chlorine was consideredas passive mitigation.To prevent a worst case scenaro release, there are chlorine leak detectors located in both the chlorine storage and chlorinator rooms. They are set to alarm with red beaconsand high decibel audio alarms. There are highvacuum, low vacuum and loss of weig 
ht alarms also installed. Equipment is checked on a monthly basis. This facility complies with all PSM, EPCRA 302 and (with this filling) Rmp regulations. This facility has had no accidential releases of chlorine since it was built in 1972. The City of Ocala Water & Sewer Department has joined together with the City of Ocala Fire Department and estabalished a joint hazardous response team. The two entities train together and share resources, expertise, and training facilities. There are annual full - functional or table top response excerisises. Critques of the responses are incorporated into the PSM  manuals as PHA assessment. Public notification is given for this training through the city public information officer, who uses various local media resources.
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