TROTTER FERTILIZER - Executive Summary

| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

P. O. BOX 305 
ANSLEY, NE  68814 
For further information contact:  Lyle Lovitt, Plant Manager 
Risk Management Plan - EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 
The Facility Policy 
The owners, management, and employees of Trotter Fertilizer are committed to the prevention of any accidental releases of anhydrous ammonia.  If an accidental release should occur, the facility is prepared to work with the local fire and rescue department and ECPC or other authorities, to mitigate any release and minimize the impact of the release to the people and the environment. 
Facility Information 
The primary activity at the facility is the storage and sale of anhydrous ammonia to farmers. 
Anhydrous ammonia is received, stored, and distributed for direct application of fertilizer for crop production. 
The maximum quantity stored would be 135,000 pounds in our 30,000 gallon storage tank. 
The Worst-case Release Scenario and the Alternative Release Scenario 
The worst-case release scenario would be the 
release of the total contents of the storage tank released as a gas over 10 minutes.  The maximum quantity released would be 135,000 pounds, which represents the volume of our storage tank at 85 percent capacity as limited by design standards.  The distance to the endpoint (point of dispersion to 200 ppm) is 4.4 miles. 
The alternative release scenario would be a release from a break in a transfer hose.  The distance to the endpoints is .41 miles. 
The Accidental Release Prevention Program 
The facility has been previously inspected several times by the State Fire Marshall and the deficiencies have been corrected and reinspected.  The local fire department and rescue members have toured the facility and have become familiar with the location of values and the hazard and safety of the system. 
Management and key employees have attended NH3 safety school and other employees are trained as to the hazards, safety, and how to the plant should be operated. 
The Five-year Accident History 
There have not been any accidents in the history of this plant. 
The Emergency Response Program 
The facility has: 
provided a state, county, and local SARA Title III emergency plan. 
Planned Changes to Improve Safety 
Safety is an ongoing process at Trotter Fertilizer and steps have been taken periodically to correct any problems that may happen.
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