B.I. Chemicals, Inc - Executive Summary

| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

B.I. Chemicals, Inc owns and operates a pharmaceutical production facility that is located in the Petersburg (Virginia) Industrial Park.  The facility operates on a continuous basis, with the majority of the personnel on-site during the day-shift (0730-1600 HRS) and a smaller on-site population on the off-shifts.  The processes that are utilized on-site are batch type chemical reactors to produce a wide variety of pharmaceuticals.  These operations are closely monitored/audited by the Food and Drug Administration. 
The site operations in general are not regulated under the requirements of the Risk Management Program, however, two chemicals involved in the production of selected pharmaceuticals are listed as regulated by the EPA.  The production involvement of Bromine and Ammonia (29%) above the threshold values requires the preparation of the appropriate Risk Management Program. 
A review of the production operations and the regulated chemicals have led to the development of scenarios  
for potential releases, that could affect the enviroment and/or off-site personnel.  These scenarios are as follows:  a release of Bromine as a vapor cloud, in the worst case could affect the residential area to the southeast of the plant site.  A spill of Ammonia Hydroxide (29%), as a liquid, is largely contained on-site but could produce a vapor cloud.  Both scenarios are considered unlikely; however, the plant has developed a working Emergency Response Plan with the Petersburg Fire Department to respond to an emergency.  In addition, on-site personnel have received specific training on handling these emergencies.  To preclude the probability of other chemicals being involved in a release, the site management has implemented a full scale Process Safety Management Program including all necessary elements, a highlight of which is an active Mechanical Integrity Program.  This on-going program is the basis for prevention of a release, now and in the future. 
In the future, the site manag 
ement will continue to evaluate technological improvements and programs to ensure the continued success of the operation and implementation of technology or programs which would make the processes safer still.
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