National Starch and Chemical Company - Executive Summary

| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

National Starch & Chemical Company owns and operates a specialty chemical manufacturing facility at485 Cedar Springs Road, Rowan County, North Carolina.  This facility is surrounded by local businesses and residences.  Approximately 135 persons from the surrounding community are employeed full-time by National Starch & Chemical Company. 
It is the policy of National Starch & Chemical Company to meet all requirements established by applicable safety, health, and environmental regulations.  The Salisbury facility has always put safety first.   
National Starch & Chemical Company stores the following RMP-applicable compounds on-site in quantities that exceed the applicable threshold quantities:  acrylonitrile (CAS No. 107-13-1), formaldehyde (CAS NO. 50-00-0), sulfur trioxide (CAS No. 7446-11-9), and vinyl acetate (CAS No. 108-05-4).   
National Starch & Chemical Company currently maintains an OSHA Process Safety Management (PSM) program for the aforementioned compounds.  National Starch  
has previously analyzed hazards associated with these processes and developed emergency response plans for responding to incidents involving these compounds.   
National Starch & Chemical Company has evaluated one worst-case release scenario to represent all regulated toxics.  This release scneario is based on the release of the entire contents of a 6,000-gallon sulfur trioxide storage tank into a diked area.  The maximum distance to the toxic endpoint was determined to be 0.4 miles based on the EPA's SLAB Model.  Public receptors within this impact zone include several local residences and businesses.  There are no environmental receptors within this impact radius.   
National Starch & Chemical Company evaluated an alternative release scenario for each regulated toxic.  The alternative release scenarios used by National Starch & Chemical Company are conservative in that the facility based impacts on the greatest quantity of the regulated toxics in any individual process vessel.  The f 
acility did not account for any active mitigation measures that are in place to reduce the quantities released.  Therefore, these scenarios should depict maximum impacts. 
The alternative release scenario for acrylonitrile is the release of 5,000 lbs.  The maximum distance to the toxic endpoint was determined to be 0.3 miles based on the EPA's SLAB Model.  Public receptors within this impact zone include several local residences and businesses.  There are no environmental receptors within this impact radius.   
The alternative release scenario for formaldehyde is the release of 11,000 lbs.  The maximum distance to the toxic endpoint was determined to be 0.02 miles based on the EPA's SLAB Model. This impact radius does not extend off-site. 
The alternative release scenario for sulfur trioxide is the release of 5,000 lbs.  The maximum distance to the toxic endpoint was determined to be 0.2 miles based on the EPA's SLAB Model.  Public receptors within this impact zone include several loca 
l residences and businesses.  There are no environmental receptors within this impact radius.   
The alternative release scenario for vinyl acetate is the release of 9,000 lbs.  The maximum distance to the toxic endpoint was determined to be 0.1 miles based on the EPA's SLAB Model.  Public receptors within this impact zone include several local residences and businesses.  There are no environmental receptors within this impact radius.   
National Starch & Chemical Company has worked to maintain a safe environment for their employees and the surrounding commuity.  The facility has had no reportable incidents involving regulated-RMP compounds during the last five years.   
National Starch & Chemical Company has established an emergency response program detailing specific actions to be taken in the event an incident involving the regulated compounds.  The facility has coordinated emergency repsonse activities with Rowan County Emergency Management and the Salisbury Fire Department.
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