Hedville Grain & Feed - Executive Summary

| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

Hedville Grain & Feed Inc. is an Agricultural Retail Business that services producers in this area.  We possess two 10,000 gallon NH3 Ammonia storage tanks. 
Employee's who work in the NH3 plant are trained on a rotational basis and we adhere to all applicable State and Fed rules and regulations.  The worst case scenario would release 44,000 Lbs. of NH3 and would affect approximately 150 people with a distance to inpoint of 1= miles.  
This company has never had an injury accident that required medical treatment within the last five years.  In the event of emergency involving our NH3 plant, our policy is to notify the local fire department RFD #3.  Our emergency responce plan has been shared and discussed with the RFD #3 and they have agreed to be our first responder and to assist us in the event of an accident.
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