Shamrock AS/RS Warehouse Distribution Center - Executive Summary

| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

1.  Accidental release prevention and emergency response policies: 
Ammonia is one of the most prevalent extremely hazardous substances.  Ammonia is one of the ten hazardous chemicals most commonly involved in a release. To prevent and mitigate a Ammonia release and to improve facility safety, and benefit the community and the environment, Shamrock Foods Company has developed policies and programs to prevent accidental release.  They include management commitment to safety, risk management plans, standard operating procedures, safety programs, preventative maintenance programs, contractor safety, and training. The most common causes of a Ammonia release are related to Operations and Maintenance failures, Equipment Failures and/or Process Failures; consequently Shamrock Foods Company has emphasized preventative maintenance, scheduling of replacement of parts, such as valves and gaskets, and training of maintenance employees in safe operations. 
An Emergency Action Plan will be submitted 
to the Maricopa County Environmental Management Department, Hazardous Materials Division. All employees should be trained on relevant response procedures.  There are written procedures for the use, inspection, maintenance and testing of emergency response equipment.  The plan also includes evacuation routes, protective actions for uninvolved employees, a method of accounting for employees, and a list of personal protective equipment for response and mitigation equipment. The Emergency Action Plan also includes a procedure for informing the public and emergency response agencies in case of a release.    
2.  The stationary source and regulated substances handled. 
The Shamrock AS/RS Distribution Center is located at 2929 West Virginia Phoenix, Arizona,  
       -The regulated substance handled at this distribution facility is anhydrous ammonia.  There is approximately 36194 lbs. of Ammonia on site.  Ammonia is considered an Acutely Hazardous Material and the amount maintained on site  
by Shamrock AS/RS Distribution Center exceeds the Threshold Planning Quantity (TPQ) of 10000 lbs.  
3.The worst-case release scenario(s) and the alternative release scenario(s), including administrative controls and mitigation measures to limit the distances for each reported scenario. 
 - Worst-Case Scenario - The Worst Case Scenario for Shamrock AS/RS Distribution Center is a 10 minutes release of Ammonia from a high pressure reciever. Therefore, the total release of Ammonia for the worst case scenario is 12835 lbs. of Ammonia released over 10 minutes period. 
           0  The distance to the endpoint of 200 ppm ERPG-2 Type for the worst-case scenario is 1.5 Miles. The release would extend beyond the property boundary. 
 -  Alternative Scenario - The RMP regulations require that an alternate scenario be determined that is more likely to occur than the worst case scenario.  The alternate release is also required to reach an endpoint offsite, unless no such scenario exists. Shamrock Foods C 
ompany in the HazOp study conducted to satisfy the Risk Management and Prevention Program identified a "most likely" as a one pound release of liquid Ammonia. This release occurs due to the small cylinder, that is being loaded, being disconnected prior to securing the liquid valve. This release scenario satisfies the criteria for the Alternate Toxic Gas Release. 
           0  The distance to the endpoint of 200 ppm ERPG-2 Type for the alternate case scenario is 1.0 miles.  This release would extend beyond the facility boundary. 
All employees will be trained on relevant response procedures.  There are written procedures for the use, inspection, maintenance and testing of emergency response equipment.  The plan also includes evacuation routes, protective actions for uninvolved employees, a method of accounting for employees, and a list of personal protective equipment for response and mitigation equipment. 
4.The general accidental release prevention program and the specific prevention steps. 
This accidental release prevention program uses recommended guidelines of the International Institute of Ammonia , applicable state codes and federal regulations.  All maintenance employees will be trained in Ammonia refrigeration systems.  Shamrock AS/ RS Distribution Center has developed a prevention program that includes safety information, a Hazard and Operability Study, operating procedures, training, maintenance, compliance audits and incident investigations. 
5.Five-year accidental history. 
AS/RS Distribution Cneter is a new facility then there have been no accidents involving Ammonia during the last 5 years at this facility. 
6.The emergency response program. 
In addition to the Emergency Action Plan described in paragraph 1, plans for evacuation to ensure that the evacuation procedure is adequately addressed and the needs for drills will be assessed. This emergency response program was established in accordance with 29 CFR 1910.38(a) and includes procedures for handling smal 
l releases.  
7.Planned changes to improve safety. 
This facility will be conducting an independent audit  to ensure that all elements of the program are being met as required and documented.
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