The Kirksville Water Treatment Plans is a 4.5 million gallon per day water supply for the City of Kirksville, Missouri. Our source water is drawn from one of two different surface empoundments, Hazel Creek Lake or Forest Lake in the Thousand Hills State Park. Our plant uses chlorine as a disinfectant in the treatment of our source water. Therefore, we present the potential risk of an accidental chlorine release. Chlorine is a hazardous inhalant with dangerous health risks. To lower potential injuries that may occur to the general public in and around the affected area of an accidental chlorine release, we have coordinated and trained with the Kirksville Fire Department on mock scenarios of emergency response. We also have coordinated with the local news media and the City of Kirksville Public Information Officer to provide city notification of a chlorine release. An accidental chlorine release has potentially harmful of site consequences to plants, animals, mechinary and huma ns. Therefore, we have installed some passive mitigation devices to impede any release. The first being a brick enclosure that houses all the chlorine stored at the treatment plant. This will contain the released chlorine until the emergency response unit is on the site of the release. The second device is a chlorine alarm detection system. This sytem's sensor is located in the chlorine enclosure, if there is a release an alarm would sound inside the water plant and alert the plant operator of a possible emergency. The third mitigation device are panic bars on the enclosure's doors. These allow, in case of a release, for the operator to escape the enclosure and begin the emergency response procedure. All parts and pressures for our chlorine systems are recommended by the Chlorine Institute, ASTM (American Society of Testing Materials) and the manufacturers of our particular chlorine systems. The actual emergency response plan is posted at the Kirksville Water Plant, the Ki rksville Fire Department, and the Office of Information. For more information contact: Kirksville Water Treatment Plant 660-665-3720 Kirksville Fire Department 660-665-3734 Office of Information Scott Veatch 660-627-1224 Risk Management-Jeanie Ewing 660-627-1251 |