Morristown Filter Plant - Executive Summary

| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

The Morristown Utility Systems Water Filter Plant uses chlorine as the only hazardous chemical with quanities on hand that exceed the threshold limit for compliance with the EPA Risk Management Program regulation. The maximum that will be on hand at any given time is 10 one ton cylinders. During normal operations, the average containers on hand are four full ton cylinders. Only two cylinders are hooked up on-line during normal operation. 
The chlorination process system utilizes a vacuum feed control system.  The vaccuum feed system provides that the vacuum regulator mounted on the cylinder will shut down the flow of chlorine gas in the event of a fault with the feed line system. This vacuum system provides the safest available chlorination feed system for our utility.  
Atmospheric monitioring is conducted in the chlorination room with an audio and visual alarm system that is set to activate at 1 ppm.  Monthly function tests are conducted to ensure the reliabely of the system.  A writ 
ten emergency action plan is located at the Filter Plant. 
Coordination and communication with the local emergency response in the Morristown area is constantly updated. The Haz-Mat team from the local fire department train periodically at our facility for familarity with the process, equipment, and facility.
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