Soda Lake II Geothermal Project - Executive Summary

| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

THE ACCIDENTAL RELEASE PREVENTION AND EMERGENCY RESPONSE POLICIES AT OUR FACILITY: This facility complies with all requirements for isopentane storage, and it is our policy to adhere to all applicable federal, state, and local laws. If an emergency were to occur, it is our policy to notify the Fallon Fire Department and request that they respond to the emergency. 
DESCRIPTION OF OUR FACILITY AND THE REGULATED SUBSTANCES HANDLED: This facility is a binary electrical generation facility and geothermal wellfield. Geothermal fluid is pumped from the geothermal production wells into the electrical generation facility, the heat is extracted from the geothermal fluid, and the cooled geothermal fluids are injected into the geothermal reservoir. Isopentane is used as a motive fluid in the facility vaporizing heat exchangers. The isopentane is stored in one 10,000-gallon aboveground tanks and six 3,500-gallon individual binary cycle energy converters. 
case scenario is failure of one 10,000-gallon storage tank when filled to the greatest amount allowed (88% at 60F), resulting in a vapor cloud explosion. According to the OCA equation for estimation of distance to 1 psi overpressure for vapor cloud explosions, the distance to the endpoint is 0.29 miles. Since this facility is located in a relatively remote, unoccupied area, the worse case scenario would not affect anyone beyond our property. 
THE GENERAL ACCIDENTAL RELEASE PREVENTION PROGRAM AND CHEMICAL- SPECIFIC PREVENTION STEPS: This facility complies with EPA's accident prevention rule and all applicable state and local codes and regulations. The isopentane system is designed, installed, and maintained in accordance with NFPA-58 and state law. 
FIVE-YEAR ACCIDENT HISTORY: We have never had an accident involving isopentane that caused deaths, injuries, property or environmental damage, evacuations, or shelterings in place. 
THE EMERGENCY RESPONSE PROGRAM: In the event of an emergenc 
y involving our isopentane system, it is our policy to notify the Fallon Fire Department and request that they respond to the emergency. We have discussed this policy with the fire department. 
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