Grayson Power Plant - Executive Summary |
ACCIDENTAL RELEASE PREVENTION AND EMERGENCY RESPONSE POLICIES City of Glendale Water and Power has an emergency response plan in effect. The Emergency Response Plan (Plan) is detailed in the Emergency Planning and Response section of this PSM/RMP document. This Plan was designed to meet the following objectives: 1.) To save lives. 2.) To minimize and avoid injuries. 3.) To protect the environment. 4.) To minimize property damage. City of Glendale Water and Power maintains a safety committee whose members are the designated emergency coordinators for the facility. The Plan provides the response organization and notification procedures, evacuation routes, chlorine health hazards, and mitigation procedures which will be implemented to respond effectively to emergency situations that may arise at the facility. This Plan is reviewed and updated at least once per year. This Plan will be reviewed and updated to ensure compliance with the PSM, RMP, and CalARP regulations, and to ensure that the plan is kept current. STATIONARY SOURCE AND REGULATED SUBSTANCE The chlorine system for the Grayson Power Plant of City of Glendale Water and Power is located at 800 Air Way, Glendale, California 91201. The chlorine system for the Grayson Power Plant consists of chlorine one-ton containers which are the storage vessels. Chlorine gas is drawn from a one ton container through a vacuum regulator to the chlorinators. Still under vacuum from the chlorinators, it is drawn to injectors and mixed with water from the treatment processes. A maximum of 5 one ton chlorine containers (10,000 lbs) are maintained at the Grayson Power Plant: one (2,000 lbs) at the No. 1 Chlorine House and four (8,000 lbs) at the No. 2 Chlorine House. HAZARD ASSESSMENT SUMMARY Worst Case Release Result Summary Scenario Description: Release of the maximum quantity of chlorine that can be stored in a vessel - 2,000 pounds in 10 minutes. Since the one-ton containers are stored enclosed in a buil ding at the Grayson Power Plant, passive mitigation measures were incorporated. Consequently, the release rate after the passive measure was calculated to be 110 pounds per minute. The most pessimistic meteorological conditions were used: 1.5 meters/second wind speed, and F stability. Reference table 4-4 from EPA's RMP Guidance for Wastewater Treatment Plants was used determine the downwind distance to 3 ppm. This potential scenario reaches off-site and may affect public receptors. No environmental receptors were affected by this potential scenario. Alternative Release Result Summary Scenario Description: A release of chlorine gas from 5/16 inch diameter leak. The release rate of chlorine due to the pressure of the tank is 5.2 pounds per minute. However, passive mitigation measures were incorporated since the chlorine system is located inside an enclosed building at the Grayson Power Plant. Consequently, the release rate after the passive measure was calculated to be 2.8 pou nds per minute. The meteorological conditions used were 3 meters per second wind speed, and D stability. Reference table 4-12 from EPA's RMP Guidance for Wastewater Treatment Plants was used determine the downwind distance to 3 ppm. This potential scenario reaches off-site and may affect public receptors. No environmental receptors were affected by this potential scenario. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE PREVENTION PROGRAM AND CHEMICAL-SPECIFIC PREVENTION STEPS City of Glendale Water and Power has a Process Safety Management program in place to manage the handling of chlorine. In addition, common industry standards, policies, and procedures are utilized to ensure safe practices are being performed. This includes common practices outlined by the Chlorine Institute. In addition to the Management Programs, there is a chlorine gas detector in the storage room that is set at 1 ppm and will activate the visual/audible alarm, shut off the ventilation system, and page the operator on duty. FIVE Y EAR ACCIDENT HISTORY The accident history researched back five years to June 1994 shows that the City of Glendale Water and Power's facility has not had an accidental release or "near miss" of chlorine. EMERGENCY RESPONSE PROGRAM The City of Glendale Water and Power has an emergency response plan in effect at the facility. The Emergency Response Plan (Plan) is detailed in the Emergency Planning and Response section of the PSM/RMP document. This Plan was designed to meet the following objectives: 1.)To save lives. 2.)To minimize and avoid injuries. 3.)To protect the environment. 4.) To minimize property damage. The City of Glendale Water and Power maintains a safety committee whose members include the emergency coordinators for the facility. The Plan provides the response organization and notification procedures, evacuation routes, and mitigation procedures which will be implemented to respond effectively to emergency situations that may arise at the facility. The Plan also i ncludes the Emergency training for all City of Glendale Water and Power employees. The City of Glendale Water and Power performs periodic emergency evacuation drills to enhance the emergency response skills of its personnel. The Emergency Response Plan is reviewed and updated by the City of Glendale Water and Power responsible person, Mr. Nick Cruz at least once a year. This Plan will be review and updated to ensure compliance with the PSM, RMP, and CalARP regulations, and to ensure that the plan is kept current. PLANNED CHANGES TO IMPROVE SAFETY The Process Hazard Analysis (PHA) provided the mitigation measures outlined below to improve safety at the City of Glendale Water and Power Water Reclamation Plant. The PHA was comprised of one session that included a HAZOP study, a Plant Walkthrough, a "What-if" analysis, and a series of checklists. The changes will be completed by June 30, 1999. R01 Invite emergency responders (City of Glendale Fire Department) to periodic sessions to review information regarding the chlorine system. Coordinate response efforts with these designated responders. R02 Document the completion and/or certification of operator training programs including the tank change out procedure and emergency response procedures. R03 Relocate the eyewash/shower station to ensure accessibility to the No. 1 Chlorine House. R04 Conduct an emergency evacuation drill at least once a year. R05 Post emergency telephone numbers on the pager/phone box. R06 Ensure that only empty chlorine tanks are stored outside the No. 2 Chlorine House (i.e. tag system). R07 Post NFPA Chlorine Chemical Hazard Classification label outside the No. 2 Chlorine House. R08 Post floor plans and/or work place maps with evacuation instructions. |