Warren Waste Water Treatment Plant - Executive Summary

| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

We store and use Chlorine to disinfect wastewater as it leaves the plant. The Chlorine is stored in it's own enclosed building divided into two sections. Both sections are sampled with stationary Chlorine detectors to find leaks. We store the smallest amount of Chlorine that we can have on hand without running out. The normal amount of Chlorine stored at the plant is less than 2500 pounds. During heavy rains, we store up to 12000 pounds. A release of Chlorine from this facility that impacts the general population surrounding the plant has never happened , and is very unlikely. We are subject to the OSHA PSM rule . The Macomb LEPC has a written program to deal with a leak of Chlorine and evacuate residents in the affected area.A release of all of the chlorine ,12000pounds, would call for the evacuation of a three mile radius.This would include parks, hospitals, schools, and residences.A smaller leak, such as the release of the contents of a one-ton  cylinder indoors, would affect about  
100 residents around the plant. A leak would be instantly detected by sensors and an alarm would sound.Plant personel and Warren's HAZMAT team have been trained to stop chlorine leaks.
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