Ajinomoto USA, Incorporated - Executive Summary

| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

Ajinomoto USA, Raleigh Plant, manufactures pharmaceutical grade amino acids and is the only amino acids plant in the U.S. capable of producing a variety of pure crystalline amino acids. Our amino acids play a vital role in many lifesaving drugs and medical treatments, such as intravenous solutions, enternal diets and medical treatments for ulcers and hypertension. Today almost one-third of the amino acid produced at our Raleigh facility is exported to overseas markets. 
With construction beginning in 1980, the 125,000 square foot plant began full production of amino acids in April 1982. Since opening, the plant has operated at full capacity, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Our operations require the use of various materials in order to effectively produce our product. A permanent, 12,000-gallon tank of anhydrous ammonia is one of those materials on our plant site. The ammonia system is entirely enclosed and is used in our Fermentation process. Anhydrous ammonia is Ajinomoto USA Raleig 
h's only regulated substance under EPA 112r Risk Management Plan.  
In determining a worst-case scenario for our anhydrous ammonia system under EPA's required "worst case" factors, Ajinomoto has determined that a gaseous release of ammonia from our site could have an offsite impact. A worst case scenerio was calculated using EPA's RMP Comp modeling software and did not factor any mitigation systems or process controls. As for required alternative scenarios, Ajinomoto has determined that a "most likely" release situation could have a small offsite impact. The alternative release scenerio was calculated using EPA's ALOHA modeling software and did not factor any mitigation systems or process controls. A specific alternative scenario was selected after discussions with plant employees and comments from outside vendors who have experience with other ammonia facilities. 
A five-year accident history is required to be submitted as part of the Risk Management Plan. Fortunately, Ajinomoto USA,  
Raleigh Plant has not experienced any accidents within this span. We expect this to be the case for many years to come. 
Emergency response systems are in place in the event of a chemical emergency. Assignments have been given throughout the management structure for actions to be taken in the event of an emergency. Local emergency organizations are encouraged to visit our site to tour and stay updated on our facilities and process environment. In addition, a first response team consisting of 24 plant employees is trained and drilled annually to respond to chemical emergencies. Team members cover all operating shifts on a rotating basis and are on-call when not on site. Ajinomoto USA, Raleigh Plant is also fortunate to have two employees represent our facility on local and state level emergency response committees, thus improving the communication and working relationships with outside agencies.  
Management encourages employees to bring forward ideas that improve our facilities and ope 
rations. Our Environmental Monitoring Committee has just recently reviewed the ammonia system and is researching deluge systems and how they can potentially be used on our site. In addition, the replacement of our current 12,000-gallon tank with 2 smaller 6000-gallon tanks is also being considered.  Any changes would not be implemented until the year 2000.
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