Miller Electric Mfg. Co. - Executive Summary |
1. Accidental release prevention and emergency response policies are as follows: All operational and emergency response aspects of the ammonia system located at the Miller Electric Mfg. Co. facility are contracted to Bassett Mechanical. 2. The stationary source and regulated substances handled are as follows: The primary activity at the Miller Electric Mfg. Co. facility is the manufacture of welding power sources and associated equipment. Anhydrous ammonia is used in the air conditioning system that serves this facility. The total amount of anhydrous ammonia that may be stored on-site is 16,000 pounds. The largest single component in the system may contain 11,000 pounds. 3. The worst-case release scenario and alternative release scenario are as follows: Worst Case Scenario - Failure of the high pressure receiver system would release 11,000 pounds of ammonia. The high pressure receiver will never be filled to more than 80% of its capacity. It is assumed that the entire contents are released over a period of ten minutes. The distance to the endpoint of 200 ppm for the worst-case scenario is 1.2 miles. Alternative Scenario - A release of ammonia through an orifice of 1/4" effective diameter at high pressure receiver conditions of 180 psig. This scenario is representative of several scenarios which may include a pump seal leak, valve packing failure, or gasket rupture. The distance to the endpoint of 200 ppm for the alternative release scenario is 0.09 miles. 4. The general accidental rele ase prevention program and the specific prevention steps are as follows: This facility complies with OSHA's Process Safety Management Program and with all applicable state codes and regulations. 5. Five-year accident history is as follows: There is no history of off-site releases from this facility. 6. The emergency response program is as follows: This facility is included in a local emergency response plan under the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act. This plan is coordinated with the Local Emergency Planning Committee, the Appleton Fire Department, and Bassett Mechanical. Bassett Mechanical is under contract to Miller for operation, maintenance, and emergency response for the ammonia refrigeration system at this facility. Miller has appropriate mechanisms in place to notify external emergency responders when necessary. 7. Planned changes to improve safety are as follows: Miller will implement the changes rec ommended in a May 1999 audit of its OSHA Process Safety Management Program for the ammonia refrigeration system. |