Peterson Farms, Inc. - South Processing Plant - Executive Summary

| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

Peterson Farms operates a poultry processing plant,  known as the South Plant, and a cold storage plant (North Plant) across the street.  Live poultry are killed and processed in the south plant.  Water chilling and ice production is by anhydrous ammonia refrigeration systems.  There are 10 large compressors that are a combination of screw compressors and piston compressors.  Ammonia quantity in the south system is 16,750#. 
The plant has developed a PSM program with written operating procedures, lockout tagout details, and pumpdown and purge procedures to help prevent release.  Operators are required to undergo qualification and training as well as pass written exams before operating the system alone.  Emergency plans have been prepared along the guidance of the "One Plan" and each of the refrigeration operators have completed 40 hour HAZWOPER training.  A timed, practice shutdown of each segment of the ammonia system has been practiced in level A suits with SCBA's.  Peterson has outfi 
tted an emergency trailer equipped with a cascade air system, SCBA respirators, level A suits and tools.   
Peterson and Aon Risk Services has developed a troubleshooting guide for ammonia operators to assist in quickly and correctly diagnosing a malfunction and taking the proper action to prevent a release of ammonia. There has been one small release from the south plant ammonia system but the ammonia did not cause injury or evacuation.  That release occurred from a pump packing.  To prevent future releases enclosed ammonia pumps are replacing mechanical seal pumps. 
The worst case release could occur from a pipe rupture in an liquid ammonia line or in the main receiver.  Distance to toxic endpoint of this release would be approximately 1.64 miles from the plant with normal winds blowing toward the northeast.  The ammonia gas is expected to dissipate quickly, and residents are instructed to stay in doors with doors and windows closed unless instructed to evacuate by local fire or poli 
ce.  Peterson refrigeration operators are trained and equipped to shut valves in the affected portion of system and stop any release that starts.  Medical first aid facilities will be set up in the Peterson Gym. The most likely release would be from a relief valve or ruptured disc and the ammonia is not expected to get off site.
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