Consumers Oil Company, Inc. - Executive Summary

| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

Consumers Oil Company feels it is managing the risk of an anhydrous ammonia release through plant inspections and adherance to Missouri Deptartment of Agriculture rules and regulations.  It also has training sessions for all employees engaged in the transfer of product and the repair of this facility. 
We feel that through careful inspection and maintenance with trained employees we can prevent nearly all accidental releases of anhydrous ammonia at this plant.  This plant is engaged in the storage and transfer of anhydrous ammonia to be used as a nitrogen fertilizer. 
The worst case release would be the rupture of our largest vessel, a 3,000 gallon anhydrous ammonia tank, releasing approximately 140,000 pounds of anhydrous ammonis.  Using RMP Comp. as a model, this would give a toxic endpoint of 6.9 miles possibly affecting 4268 people depending on wind speed and direction. 
One alternative release, again using RMP Comp., would be the rupture of piping resulting from a transport drivin 
g away before disconnecting the delivery hose.  This release would last approximatley 10 minutes resulting in the release of approximatley 40,000 pounds of anhydrous ammonia having an endpoint of 2.2 miles and possibly affecting 970 people depending on wind speed and direction. 
Another alternative release would be the rupture of a hose at the loading riser.  This would result in the release of approximatley 266 pounds of anhydrous ammonia having an endpoint of approximatley 0.8 miles and  possibly affecting 154 people depending on wind speed and direction. 
Both alternative releases should be stopped by automatic excess flow valves installed in the piping system. 
Consumers Oil Company is regulated by the Missouri Deptartment of Agriculture and also conducts its own inspections of plant, tanks, piping, and hoses used in the transfer and storage of anhydrous ammonia.  All employees involved in the storage, transfer, and repair of the facilities are also trained in the proper and safe h 
andling of anhydrous ammonia. 
This plant has no five year accident history to report.  We believe this confirms the success of our maintence and training procedures. 
Consumers Oil Company policy to an emergency is if the situation can be quickly and safely handled by the personnel at hand to do so.  If available personnel cannot either quickly or safely handle the situation they should immediately leave the area and contact local emergency responders (911). 
Consumers Oil Company plans to continue good maintence of the facility and on going training of all employees.
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