United Organics Corporation - Executive Summary |
In the event of accidental release of Methyl chloride United Organics Corp. instructs employees to immediately: 1. Leave the area 2. Report the status to the emergency response coordinator. 3. Emergency reponse coordinator calls responder (911- Williamston fire and emergency sduad). 4. Notify Air Products Emergency Response System 800-523-9374. Employees should not attempt to fight, fires or respond to methyl chloride accidental releases, however, this action is left to the trained professional. All employee ahould vacate the building containing the stationary source and proceed to a point beyond the described endpoint. Emergency Response (outline - Air Products): * Evacate personnel from area * Secure Area * Activate facility emergency system * Responder rescue with proper PPE is necessary * Stop Flow of gas, if possible * Contact supplier United Organics Corp will maintain an inventory of up to 3(ton containers). It should be noted that a ton container only 1400 lbs. of Methyl liquid under pressure of 73.4 psig at 70F. The total amount of Methyl chloride stored at one time is 3 X 1400 = 4200 lbs. The ton cylinders will be stored outside the North end of the plant on the conrete pad between the Nitrogen storage tanks and the mechanical room. Basic Cylinder Handling and Storage: Always: * wear proper personnel protective equipment (leather gloves, safety galsses, safety shoes * reatrain the cylinder during storage, moving, use * make sure the cylinder caps is properly installed when the cylinder is not in use * use proper cart/forklift procedure when moving cylinders * install outlet seals and cylinder caps for returns Never: * drag, roll or slide cylinders * Lift cylinders by the caps * use cylinders as rollers * submit to cylinders temperatur extremes * strike and arc on a cylinder * allow cylinders to contact electrical circuits Storage Area: * In accordance wit h CGA Pamphlet P-1 * Use good inventory control, first in first out * Area should be protected from the elements * Proper segregation of hazard classes and ful and empty * Easy Access * Secure * Good Housekeeping Nominal Dimensions (excluding valve and cap of [T] cylinder) is 30in X 82 in with an average internal volume of 25.64 ft3 (726.1). Planned changes to improve safety: * Have frequent meetings with process operations * Evaluate process hazardous and conditions * Make appropriate changes as indicated * Keep current with the chemical supplierl |