Shaw's Southern Belle Frozen Foods - Executive Summary

| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

                         RISK MANAGEMENT PROGRAM 
                            EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 
1.  General accidental release and prevention policy of Shaws Southern Belle Frozen Foods.  
In this frozen food product manufacturing facility we handle ammonia which is considered 
hazardous by the EPA.  The same properties that make ammonia a valuable refrigerant also makes 
it necessary to observe certain safety precautions during it's use to prevent human exposure, 
reduce the threat to our workers personal health, the surrounding community and the 
environment.  It is our policy to adhere to all applicable federal and state regulations.  Safety 
depends directly on our proper handling of ammonia combined with the safety devices that are 
incorporated in our facility and the safe handling procedures that our personnel are trained in. 
2.  Stationary source and regulated substance handled. 
Shaws Southern Belle Frozen Foods, 821 Virgini 
a Street, Jacksonville, Florida, is responsible for 
the manufacturing of frozen seafood. There are approximately 90 employees at this facility which 
includes hourly and salary personnel.  The plant manufactures product from 6:00 am to 4:30 pm, 
(5) five days a week. Shaws Frozen Foods  is located on the north west side of Jacksonville. The 
residential receptors in the community are predominantly located to the west and south-west of 
the plant. 
The potentially hazardous chemical used at the Shaws Southern Belle Frozen Foods facility is 
ANHYDROUS AMMONIA.    The dominant characteristic of ammonia vapor is it's pungent, 
distinct odor.  Persons exposed to ammonia will not voluntarily stay in areas of even small 
concentrations, although these levels would not result in any health risks.  
Risks from accidental exposure to ammonia in a vapor state are irritations to the eyes, nose and 
throat. The extent of irritation depends on the exposure amount and length of exposure time.    
Ammonia is cl 
assified non-flammable by the Department of Transportation.  It will burn, but only 
in a very narrow, high concentration level with a constant ignition source. 
The normal operating level of ammonia that is used at the Southern Belle Frozen Foods facility is 
11,000 pounds. The anhydrous ammonia is used as the refrigerant chemical in the  manufacturing 
and storage  process. The possible hazards that could lead to an accidental release include, but are 
not limited to, equipment failure, damage to piping, damage to equipment, human error, etc.  
3. Worst and Alternate Case Release Scenarios.   
    Worst case release scenario criteria for Shaws Southern Belle Frozen Foods facility: 
Worst case scenario depicts continuous source leak from the High Pressure Recirculator (HPR) 
located inside the machine room.  This vessels normal operating level is 3,600 pounds of liquid 
ammonia,  approximately 60% of it's total capacity. Although it's maximum capacity is 5,800 
pounds, engineered l 
imit switches and administrative procedures prevent it from exceeding an 
80% operating level at any time. 
    Potential Ammonia Release Quantity:     3,600 pounds 
    Rate of Release:                   360 lbs / min. (10 min. release) 
    LOC (Level of Concern):            200 ppm  (EPA ERPG-2)   
    Physical State:                    Gas  
          Type of Area:                     Urban 
    Wind Speed:                        1.5 meters per second 
    Distance to Endpoint                    1.2 miles 
          Alternate case release scenario criteria for Shaws Southern Belle Frozen Foods facility: 
Alternate release scenario is represented by the release of ammonia vapor from a safety relief 
valve (SRV) due to an over-pressurization condition on a vertical vessel located within the Shaws 
Southern Belle Frozen Foods facility machine room.  SRV would be performing exactly as it is 
designed to do. Although the actual valve would open on the vessel in the machine room, it would 
vent into the atmosphere via the vent piping on the machine room roof.  
    Ammonia Quantity:                  150 pounds 
    Rate of Release:                   22 pounds/min. (10 min. release) 
    Wind Speed:                        3.0 meters per second 
    Distance to Endpoint:                   154 yards 
    The following administrative and engineering controls are in place at the Shaws 
Southern Belle Frozen Foods facility to limit the distance for the reported scenarios. 
    *  Electronic ammonia detection in the machine room.. Detector control system  activates 
local alarms to alert refrigeration operators and personnel in the immediate area that a leak has 
been detected.  
    *  High liquid level switches are configured to pressure vessels (intercoolers, recirculator 
and subcooler) to alert refrigeration personnel in the event of a deviation from normal operating 
    *  Safety relief valves are installed on pressure vessels and condensers to el 
iminate a 
possible over pressurization condition in the associated vessel. 
    *  Refrigeration operators on duty 18 hours a day (6:00 am - 12:00 pm), Monday - Friday.  
Operators make periodic rounds and log entries each shift to monitor equipment status. 
    *  Periodic Maintenance Program is conducted by a refrigeration contractor to ensure all 
refrigeration components are kept in optimum operational and mechanical status. 
4.  Five-year accident history. 
Shaws Southern Belle Frozen Foods has had no accidental releases over the last five years.   
5.   Emergency Action Program 
The purpose of the Shaws Southern Belle Frozen Foods Emergency Action Program is to: 
    1.   Minimize exposure to our employees and the surrounding community in the event of a 
    hazardous material release or spill. 
    2.  Assure the safe emergency evacuation of the plant in the instance that it is required. 
    3.  Provide for prompt medical attention to any employees who become ser 
iously injured 
    or ill at work. 
    4.  Manage an emergency response system and coordinate response of the internal and 
    external resources required to provide efficient and effective response to any type of 
    emergency that may occur at Shaws Frozen Foods. 
The Emergency Action Plan currently meets requirements as set forth in OSHA 29 CFR 1910.38.
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