Mahoning Valley Sanitary District - Executive Summary

| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

                      EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 
The Mahoning Valley Sanitary District (MVSD) owns and operates a Water Treatment Plant 
(WTP) which produces potable water from the Meander Creek Reservoir. MVSD furnishes 
potable water to the Cities of Youngstown, Niles, and it acts as an agent for these cities in 
supplying the Village of McDonald. Theses cities then supply water to the surrounding 
metropolitan areas including Girard, Canfield, Mineral Ridge, and portions of eight townships. 
MVSD presently serves 300,000 people and produces an average flow of 30 million gallons per 
Ammonia (anhydrous) and Chlorine are two of the various chemicals used in the treatment 
process to produce water that is safe to drink.  Ammonia reacts  with free chlorine to form 
chloramines which destroy pathogenic organisms. Chloramines also prevent the formation of the  
Total Trihalomethanes (TTHMs), health concerns,  which are formed when free Chlorine reacts 
with organic material in the water.  Ammonia (A 
nhydrous) and Chlorine are both listed under 40 
Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 9 as a regulated toxic substance and their threshold 
quantities for accidental release prevention are 10,000 lbs and 2,500 lbs, respectively. Since the 
quantities of Ammonia  (anhydrous) (10,400 lbs) and  Chlorine (48,000 lbs) stored at the WTP 
are greater than the threshold values, MVSD must comply with 40 CFR Part 68 which requires 
the development and implementation of a risk management program. 
Chlorine and Ammonia (anhydrous) are toxic when inhaled or ingested. MVSD is  aware of the 
direr consequences that exposure to these chemicals, even in the smallest amount, can have on the 
environment, the public, and our employees.  MVSD is committed to handling Chlorine and 
Ammonia (anhydrous), and all other chemicals in the safest manner possible. The philosophy and 
objectives behind this commitment are: 
    1.   The safety and health of all District employees is a prime priority. 
    2.   The only  
acceptable level of safety and health performance is one that prevents           injury and accidents. 
    3.   Safety and health are an integral part of the daily business functions.  
    4.   Safety and health are a responsibility that must be shared equally and without       exception by everyone in the organization, and; 
    5.    Management and those with supervisory responsibilities will be held accountable           for the safety and health of the personnel for whom they are responsible. All        employees will be required to make their safety and the safety of their fellow workers a prime priority. 
In modeling the worst case toxic release scenario for Chlorine and Ammonia (anhydrous), EPA's 
OCA Guidance Reference Tables were  used to determine the distance to the toxic endpoints 
which were 3.0 and 1.2 miles, respectively. The topography category selected was rural because 
there are relatively few obstacles immediately surrounding  the WTP and the actual topography is 
flat. No administrative controls are in place to limit the maximum quantity of chemical present, 
and the building was not considered as passive mitigation in the scenarios because both chemicals 
are handled outdoors. However, MVSD is committed to the safe storage, use, and  handling of 
Chlorine and Ammonia (anhydrous), especially during the transfer of these chemicals, to minimize 
the potential for accidental release to the environment.  The  public receptors impacted common 
to both chemicals were schools, residences, recreation areas, and major commercial, office, or 
industrial areas. Chlorine also impacts a nursing home. Ammonia (anhydrous) does not impact any 
environmental receptors, but Chlorine impacts a bald eagle nesting area.   
In modeling the alternative case toxic release scenario for Chlorine and Ammonia (anhydrous), 
EPA's OCA Guidance Reference Tables were  used to determine the distance to the toxic 
endpoint which were 0.3 and 0.2 miles respectively. As in the worst cas 
e toxic release scenario, 
the topography category selected was rural. A conservative approach in modeling the alternative 
case  release scenario was chosen. The building was considered as passive mitigation in the 
scenarios, while the scrubbers were not considered. The building mitigation factor significantly 
reduces the release rate from the buildings. With scrubbers the amount of material released to the 
environment would be low. The only public receptors impacted by either chemical would be a 
wastewater treatment plant and no environmental receptors would be impacted. 
The general accidental release prevention program consists of MVSD's and its employees 
commitment to the safe handling, storage and use of Chlorine and Ammonia (anhydrous).   
MVSD's WTP  is included in Trumbull County's  Emergency Response Plan, and MVSD's 
Emergency Action Plan contains the appropriate mechanism to notify emergency responders when 
there is a need for a response.  
There were no accidents in the pas 
t five years, and no changes to the safety program are planned
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