JOHNSON - Executive Summary

| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

The owners, managment, and employees of The Johnson Cooperative Grain Company, Inc. are committed to the prevention of any accidental release of anhydrous ammonia. If an accidental release should occur, the facility is prepared to work with the local Fire Company, or other authorities, to mitigate any release and minimize the impact of the release to people and the environment. The acitivity of this company is the retail sale of anhydrous ammonia to area farmers as fertilizer for crop production. 
The maximum quantity stored would be 228,000 pounds divided between two-11,000 gallon tanks, one-12,000 gallon tank, and one-18,000 with all tanks being filled at 85% capacity. The worse case release scenario would be a release of 79,000 pounds of anhydrous ammonia, over a ten minute period and has the potential to affect a total of 1250 residents. The distance to end point in a worse case scenairo release would be .83 miles and has the potential to affect local residences as well as a schoo 
l. The alternative release would be 11,908 lbs. release (transfer hose failure) in approximately 2 minutes. The release scenerio would have a distance to endpoint of .41 of a mile, affecting 625 residents.  
Our  plant is maintained in strict accordance with all state and federal rules and regulations. The employees who work at the facility are trained once a year on the proper procedures to operate the plant as well as the procedures to fill a nurse tank. Our workers always have safety water on hand and the proper personal protective equipment (gloves and goggles) during ammonia operations. Planned changes to improve safety will be dictated by the requirements of the Kansas Department of Agriculture.  
On June 5th, 2000 an accident occured the NH3 Plant. A worker was seriously burned with anhydrous ammonia which was caused by a broken pin inside an excess flow valve.The worker was hospitalized and remains under treatment as of this date. Prognosis for to return to work will be determi 
ned by how long it takes skin graphs to heal. This is the first accident that Johnson Cooperative Grain Company, Inc has experienced in the last five years.  
The emergency repsonse plan is designed to minimize the risks to employees, the surrounding public and area emergency responders. Our companies emergency response plan is shared with the local fire department and the county LEPC. First responders will be provided a tour of the facility and in return they have agreed to assist the coop in the event of an emergency or accidental release.
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