Southwest Chemicals Services, Inc. - Executive Summary

| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

Southwest Chemicals Services, Inc. engages in the business of providing chemicals to end-users. Its warehouse and storage facility located at 1224 E Washington, McAlester, Oklahoma, stores various chemicals for resale. The chemicals are purchased from manufacturers or their representatives, brought to the facility, unloaded, stored temporarily and reloaded for shipment to the customer. The following are key elements of the RMP plan: 
(A)  The stationary sources and the regulated substances handled are: 
Compressed Chlorine Gas 
This product is handled by Southwest Chemicals Services, Inc. in  150 pounds pressurized cylinders. The cylinders are received via truck and unloaded using a forklift. The full cylinders are stored by securing them with chains to storage cradles made of steel. For delivery to clients, the cylinders are loaded using a forklift onto the bed of a truck on which they are secured with straps during transport.  
Compressed Sulfur Dioxide 
This product is handled by So 
uthwest Chemicals Services, Inc. in standard 150 pound pressurized cylinders. The cylinders are received via truck and unloaded using a forklift. The full cylinders are stored by securing them with chains to storage cradles made of steel. For delivery to clients, the cylinders are loaded using a forklift onto the bed of a truck on which they are secured with straps during transport. 
(B) In the highly unlikely event (worst-case scenario) of a mechanical failure of one of the cylinders containing the compressed gas, a release of the contents of the cylinder may occur and have offsite consequences. An alternative scenario involves a release of the compressed gas through a 1/4-inch in diameter hole in the cylinder wall caused by corrosion. Minimum offsite consequences may result from such an alternative release scenario.  
(C) Southwest Chemicals Services, Inc. has in place an accidental release prevention program, which, among others, includes Process Safety Information, Process Hazard  
Analysis, Operating Instructions, Compliance Audits and Training.  
Southwest Chemicals Services, Inc. has not had any accidental releases. 
(D) Southwest Chemicals Services, Inc. has an Emergency Response Plan and coordinates its activities with all applicable Governmental Agencies.  
(g) Southwest Chemicals Services, Inc. is committed to safe and responsible distribution of chemical products. Operating Procedures review and enhanced training of personnel in the safe handling of all chemical products is a continuing goal of this facility.  Forklift operations and truck-loading training ongoing. As technology and operation changes occur, additional training and improvement in loading equipment will be implemented.
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