Samsung Austin Semiconductor - Executive Summary |
Samsung Austin Semiconductor (SAS) owns and operates a 125,000 square-foot Class 1 Cleanroom with 0.3 micron advanced CMOS memory designs, processes, and equipment. Initially, SAS will produce 64 Megabit Dynamic Random Access Memory (DRAM). SAS has reviewed its obligations under Section 112(r) of the Clean Air Act. In response to these requirements, SAS notes that there are two obligations incumbent on the operations at SAS: 1. ?112(r)(1) - Purpose and General Duty Clause - The essence of the general duty clause is that an owner/operator that stores and uses hazardous chemicals in any quantity has a fundamental obligation to ensure a safe operation, and to have plans in place in the event of an accident to appropriately manage the situation. Samsung Austin Semiconductor takes this obligation very seriously, and intends that SAS be not only a good neighbor but a leader in community safety and emergency preparedness as evidenced by our participation in the Semiconductor Safety Assoc iation Hill Country Chapter and the Austin County Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC). 2. Risk Management Plan - SAS has one process that involves a chemical stored in excess of thresholds specified in ?112(r). The chemical is Hydrofluoric (HF) acid used in the manufacturing of semiconductors at SAS. Even prior to the promulgation of ?112(r), SAS management has been very aware of the potential hazards posed by storage and use of Hydrofluoric acid, and has established programs to prevent any accidental releases and training for emergency response in the event of a release. These programs are documented and described in this Risk Management Plan. Hydrofluoric acid (HF) is delivered in 55 gallon drum shipments and stored in the Central Chemical Supply System Building (CCSS) building. The majority of 50% HF is dispensed to tools in the wet etch division of manufacturing area via a chemical delivery system. The average amount of 50% solution of HF stored on-site at SAS is 1,375 pounds per month. The threshold quantity for 50% solution of HF is 1,000 pounds stored on site. Samsung employees, in coordination with a trained and qualified vendor, oversees the chemical and hazardous waste operations at SAS. Samsung employees and the vendor have received all the required training necessary to handle chemicals and hazardous waste at SAS. For planning purposes, SAS has considered the impact of a sudden release of 549 lbs, the entire contents of a 55 gallon drum within a ten-minute period of time. Very conservative (i.e., "worst case") assumptions about possible weather conditions and a predictive model indicate a potential radius of impact extending 0.2 miles. Fortunately, this radius does not impact any public or environmental receptors. SAS has implemented safety precautions to prevent and mitigate against any HF release. These are outlined in our Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan. In addition to maintenance, training, and inspection procedures, SAS s tores the drums in an acid storage area with appropriate secondary containment. SAS also has a life safety system that will detect a release, sound a local alarm, and send an alarm notification to the control room, which is managed 24 hours per day. SAS has extensively coordinated with local emergency responders including the Austin County Fire Department and the Local Emergency Planning Committee, and provides annual training to employees to staff an "Emergency Response Team." SAS management is committed to: ? Protecting human life ? Protecting the environment ? Minimizing Property Damage ? Promoting Prompt Recovery ? Training our employees in correct response procedures in the event of an accident; ? Providing leadership to the community with respect to emergency preparedness; ? Addressing any citizen concerns by fully explaining potential hazards associated with SAS operations and all steps being taken to prevent and mitigate accidents; and ? Being a good corporate citizen of T ravis County. With these objectives in mind, this Risk Management Plan provides information about our management of the risks associated with HF used in our semiconductor manufacturing process, but more importantly we stress our commitment to ensuring a safe operation for our employees, our visitors, and our community. |