Hadco Phoenix, Inc - Executive Summary |
Hadco Corporation Business Contingency Plan Includes Components to Address Y2K Issues Phoenix DRAFT June 21,1999 Business Contingency Plan for Process BUILDING 1 General Plan Information Business Unit Phoenix Business Area Plant Engineering Business Area Manager Name: Tom Steele Work Phone: Sarah Heiner (602)824-8404 (602)824-8406 Process Owner Name: Sergio Echerivel Work Phone: (602)824-8422 Plan Developer Name: Robert J. Lipira Work Phone: (602)824-8564 Revision Date 6/21/99 2 Objective To implement a process that will provide a comprehensive PM program to monitor building envelopes an d institute a contractor base contract through purchasing for completing repairs in a timely manner. 3 Scope Plan will incorporate local regulatory agency response teams in conjunction with internal forces to assess damage, secure the building in a safe manner and proceed with corrective measures utilizing internal and contractual services to bring the buildings on line. 4 Assumptions Under Which Plan Was Developed A. Local regulatory staff available B. Life safety systems in operation C. Internal support staff on-site D. Material, labor and equipment available locally 5 Triggers or Failure Scenarios Which Would Activate the Plan A. Roof Collapses B. Floor Failure C. Fire D. Wall Collapses E. Explosion F. Flood (To be completed) G. Sewer Break (To be completed) 6 Recommended Contingency Strategies - Action Matrix Triggers Actions Roles and (copy from Responsibilities item 5) Roof Collapses Safety: (Refer to 7A) Security Immediate Solution: notifies Strategies: u Temporary shoring emergency 1. Pre- u Contract riggers services, Plant determined u Move services to Engineering priorities and another building Supervisor, allocation u Install temporary Business Area sequence cover (internal/outside Managers, 2. Identify contractor) Environmental alternative Long Term Solution: Health staff and operating u Repair roof (outside Production locations contractor) Managers. Plant 3. Ensure u Repair utility engineering key employees connections (outside staff is have trained contractor) notified. All back-up u Repair process piping employees are personnel. (internal/outside evacuated and 4. Develop contractor) treated by help desk u PM program on roofs trained procedures. u Not structurally personnel. 5. Develop overload roof supports Business area emergency managers decide response production program. movement. Plant 6. System Engineering start-up supervisors protocol implement followed. cleanup and repair procedures. Floor Failure Safety: (Refer to 7A) Security Strategies: Immediate Solution: notifies 1. Pre- u Temporary shoring of emergency determined equipment services, Plant priorities &u Contract with riggers Engineering allocation u Move services to Supervisor, sequence another building Business Area 2. Identify u Install temporary Managers, alternative flooring (internal/outsideEnvironmental operating contractor) Health staff and locations Long Term Solution: Production 3. Ensure u Repair flooring Managers. Plant key employees (outside contractor) engineering have trainedu Repair utility staff is back-up connections (outside notified. All personnel. contractor) employees are 4. Develop u Repair process piping evacuated and help desk (internal/outside treated by procedures. contractor) trained 5. Develop u PM program for floors personnel. emergency u Production chemical Business area response clean-up program and managers decide program. monitoring program production 6. System u Install corrosion movement. Plant start-up resistant chemical coatingsEngineering protocol (outside contractor) supervisors followed. u Remove corrosive implement chemicals from floor cleanup and u Trench PM program repair (keep dry) procedures. u Repair leaks (internal/outside contractor) u Eliminate c orrosive process from building work areas and relocate to WWT Fire Safety: (Refer to 7A) Security Strategies: Immediate Solution: notifies 1. Pre- u Move services to a emergency determined different building services, Plant priorities andu Repair fire sprinkler Engineering allocation system (outside contractor)Supervisor, sequence u Install temporary Business Area 2. Identify shoring (internal/outside Managers, alternative contractor) Environmental operating Long Term Solution: Health staff and locations u PM program for fire Production 3. Ensure equipment/systems Managers. Plant key employeesu Employee training of engineering have trained fire extinguisher usage staff is back-up u Remove flammabl e notified. All personnel. materials from production employees are 4. Develop floor and store in evacuated and help desk designated yellow Haz Mat treated by procedures. containers trained 5. Develop u Implement PM personnel. emergency inspection program and Business area response assign to HADCO staff managers decide program. production 6. System movement. Plant start-up Engineering protocol supervisors followed. implement cleanup and repair procedures Wall Collapses Safety: (Refer to 7A) Security Strategies: Im mediate Solution: notifies 1. Pre- u Move services to emergency determined another building services, Plant priorities andu Install temporary Engineering allocation shoring (internal/outside Supervisor, sequence contractor) Business Area 2. Identify u Repair wall Managers, alternative (internal/outside Environmental operating contractor) Health staff and locations Long Term Solution: Production 3. Ensure u PM program on roofs Managers. Plant key employeesu Not structurally engineering have trained overload roof/wall supportsstaff is back-up notified. All personnel. employees are 4. Develop evacuated and help desk treated by procedures. trained 5. Develop personnel. emergency Business area response managers decide program. production 6. System movement. Plant start-up Engineering protocol supervisors followed. implement cleanup and repair procedures Explosion Safety: (Refer to 7A) Security Strategies: Immediate Solution: notifies 1. Pre- u Move services to a emergency determined different building services, Plant priorities andu Repair buil ding Engineering allocation systems (internal/outside Supervisor, sequence contractor) Business Area 2. Identify u Install temporary Managers, alternative shoring (internal/outside Environmental operating contractor) Health staff and locations Long Term Solution: Production 3. Ensure u PM program for Managers. Plant key employees fire/life safety engineering have trained equipment/systems staff is back-up u Employee Haz Mat notified. All personnel. training employees are 4. Develop u Remove evacuated and help desk explosive/flammable treated by procedures. materials from production trained 5. Develop floor and store in personnel. emergency designated yellow Haz Mat Business area response containers managers decide program. u Implement PM production 6. System inspection program and movement. Plant start-up assign to HADCO staff Engineering protocol supervisors followed. implement clean- up and repair procedures Flood (To be completed) Sewer Break (To be completed) 7 Recommended Contingency Strategies - Considerations and Preparation Activities Safety: u Evacuation of building u Notify Fire Dept (911)/Haz Mat Unit u Shut off utilities u Shut off equipment (scrubbers/HVAC) u Assessment of damage to structure/equipment u Clean-up debris u Install temporary cover or flooring if required Location of building plans, standard operating p rocedures, employees shift assignments and emergency numbers. Building process transfer plan. Step A steps for notification of the City of Phoenix fire department and evacuation of employees should be conducted first. HADCO Phoenix alternate communication (telephone system cell phones via 2-way radio equipment), safety and environmental monitoring equipment, medical equipment and emergency response equipment Preparation activities should include: emergency generator testing, procurement of emergency response equipment, outside contractor contracts, staff training on the contingency procedure and building evacuation procedures including employee training. Staffing-No additional internal staff will be needed to implement contingency. Outside contract personnel will be required to operate temporary equipment and if a catastrophic event occurs. Implementation time frame-this will vary depending on the solution implemented. 8 Notification Procedures - Acti vation and Implementation In the event of a major catastrophe, the contingency plan shall be activated by notifying all emergency services in the following sequence: Plant Engineering, Environmental Control and HADCO Phoenix management. S Name Position Contact Method Phone Numbers e / Seq q 1 Sergio Plant Phone (1st) Work: Echerivel Engineering Cell Phone (602)824-8422 Supervisor (2nd) Home: In-person (602)755-8540 (3rd) Cellular: (602)315-8651) Pager: (602) 310-2725 2 Steve Bold Director Phone (1st) Work: Environmental Cell Phone (602)824-8408 (2nd) Home: In-person (602)759-4218 (3rd) Cellular: Pager: (800)467-8710 3 Steve Lach Plant Phone (1st) Work: Manager Cell Phone (602)824-8402 (2nd) Home: In-person (602)515-2290 (3rd) Cellular: (602) Pager: (888) 471-3992 4 Tom Steele Director of Phone (1st) Work: Outerlayer Cell Phone (602)824-8404 (2nd) Home: (602) In-person Cellular: (3rd) Pager: (888)203-0273 5 Sarah Heiner Director of Phone (1st) Work: Innerlayers Cell Phone (602)824-8406 (2nd) Home: (602) In-person Cellular: (3rd) Pager: (602)450-5691 9 Contingency Plan Team Organization The contingency plan team will be directed by Sergio Echerivel, Plant Engineering Supervisor, who will coordinate all required activities with security, environmental control, management and local regulatory agencies. The necessary steps will be taken and reported to Steve Lach, HADCO Phoenix plant manager. All operations will be halted and employees evacuated from the effected building. Security will direct evacuation activities while plant engineering will coordinate emergency forces and catastrophic evaluations. Steps will be taken to insure structur al integrity and building system operation prior to any building occupancy. Name / Position / Contact Method Phone Numbers Address Role / Seq Sergio Plant Phone (1st) Work: Echerivel Engineering Cell Phone (602)824-8422 Supervisor (2nd) Home: In-person (602)755-8540 (3rd) Cellular: (602)315-8651 Pager: (602)310-2725 TBD Group Leader Phone (1st) Work: Pager (2nd) (602)824-8623 In-person Home: (3rd) Pager: Bob Lipira Project Phone (1st) Work: Manager Pager (2nd) (602)824-8564 In-person Home: (3rd) (602)867-7741 Pager: (602)201-1785 10 Criteria for and Steps to Return to Normal Operations Normal operation will be realized as soon as the facility is declared safe by the appropriate local, state and federal regulatory agency and HADCO Environmental Department, all repairs will have been completed per the City AFP program and the Business Unit Manager directs production to start. 11 Testing of the Plan The plan shall be tested per the following scenarios and include: (1) simulation program, (2) building specific area process, (3) Fire alarm test and evacuation program and (4) actual simulated incident with full contingency plan deployment. 12 Verification and Approval Written by: ________________________________________________ Date: ___ ____________ Approved by: ______________________________________________ Date: _______________ Signature (Print) Business Contingency Plan for Process POWER 1 General Plan Information Business Unit Phoenix Business Area Plant Engineering Business Area Manager Name: Tom Steele Work Phone: Sarah Heiner (602)824-8404 (602)824-8406 Process Owner Name: Sergio Echerivel Work Phone: (602)824-8422 Plan Developer Name: Robert J. Lipira Work Phone: (602)824-8564 Revision Date 6/21/99 2 Objective To implement a process that will provide alternative methods to provide power to the campus to allow production activities to continue. To coordi nate all SRP repair activities within shortest time frame (<8 hours) and complete internal repairs within 4 hours. 3 Scope Plan will incorporate local utility response teams to assess the power source interruption source, provide alternative power sources and institute a contractual process through purchasing to procure these services in a timely manner. 4 Assumptions Under Which Plan Was Developed A. Local utility staff available B. Internal support on site C. Material, labor and equipment available locally. 5 Triggers or Failure Scenarios Which Would Activate the Plan A. Main Power Grid B. Transformer-Internal C. Breaker Panels D. Construction-External E. Construction-Internal F. Transformer-External (To be completed) G. Switch Gear (To be completed) H. Clean Power (To be completed) I. Internal Wiring (To be completed) J. Fire (To be completed) K. Structural F ailure (To be completed) L. Bus Bar (To be completed) 6 Recommended Contingency Strategies - Action Matrix Triggers Actions Roles and (copy from Responsibilities item 5) Main Power Safety: (Refer to 7A) Security Grid (Total Immediate Solution: notifies Plant Shutdown) u Coordinate SRP utility Engineering Strategies: crew repair activities Supervisor, 1. Pre- u Power restored Business Area determined 1. Move services to a Managers, priorities and different building Environmental allocation 2. Reset life safety Health staff and sequence system panels (security) Production 2. Identify 3. Manual restart Managers. Plant alternative equipment (scrubbers/HVAC)engineering operating 4. Reset staff is locations chillers/controls (outsidenotified. 3. Ensure service vendor-Honeywell) Business area key employeesLong Term Solution: managers decide have trained u PM program for production back-up generators, emergency movement. Plant personnel. lighting and exit signs Engineering 4. Develop u PM program for supervisor help desk emergency lighting and exitimplements procedures. signs cleanup and 5. Develop u Install adequate repair emergency safety lighting procedures. response program. 6. System start- up protocol followed. Transformer- Immediate Solution: Security Internal u Assess the outage notifies Plant (Variable u Production to a Engineering Shutdown) different b uilding Supervisor, Strategies: u Portable generator Business Area 1. Pre- Long Term Solution: Managers, determined u Replace transformer Environmental priorities and (outside contractor) Health staff and allocation u PM Program Production sequence Managers. Plant 2. Identify engineering alternative staff is operating notified. locations Business area 3. Ensure managers decide key employees production have trained movement. Plant back-up Engineering personnel. supervisor 4. Develop implements help desk cleanup and procedures. repair 5. Develop procedures. emergency response program. 6. System start-up protocol followed. Breaker Panel Immediate Solution: Security (Variable u Locate panel/tripped notifies Plant Shutdown) breaker Engineering Strategies: u Reset/replace breaker Supervisor, 1. Pre- u Check wiring Business Area determined u Reroute wiring Managers, priorities and (internal/outside Environmental allocation contractor) Health staff and sequence Long Term Solution: Production 2. Identify u Replace breaker panel Managers. Plant alternati ve (internal/outside engineering operating contractor) staff is locations u PM program-Infrared notified. 3. Ensure testing (internal/outside Business area key employees contractor) managers decide have trained u PM program-visual production back-up panel/wiring inspection movement. Plant personnel. Engineering 4. Develop supervisor help desk implements procedures. cleanup and 5. Develop repair emergency procedures. response program. Construction- Immediate Solution: Security External u Assess damage notifies Plant (Variable u Contact utility Engineering Shutdown) companies Supervisor, Strategies: u Contact City of Business Area 1. Pre- Phoenix Managers, determined u Reroute production to Environmental priorities and different building Health staff and allocation u Personnel to work out Production sequence of home Managers. Plant 2. Identify u Install temporary engineering alternative generators staff is operating (internal/outside notified. locations contractor) Business area 3. Ensure Long Term Solution: managers decide key employeesu Enforcement of HADCO production have trained safety policies movement. Plant back-up u On site HADCO project Engineering personnel. manager inspection supervisor 4. Develop implements help desk cleanup and procedures. repair 5. Develop procedures. emergency response program. 6. System start-up protocol followed. Construction- Immediate Solution: Security Internal u Assess damage notifies Plant (Variable u Contact utility Engineering Shutdown) companies Supervisor, Strategies: u Contact City of Business Area 1. Pre- Phoenix Managers, determined u Reroute production to Environmental priorities and different building Health staff and allocation u Personnel to work out Production sequence of home Managers. Plant 2. Identify u Install temporary engineering alternative generators staff is operating (internal/outside notified. locations contractor) Business area 3. Ensure Long Term Solution: managers decide key employeesu Enforcement of HADCO production have trained safety policies movement. Plant back-up u On site HADCO project Engineering personnel. manager inspection supervisor 4. Develop implements help desk cleanup and procedures. repair 5. Develop procedures. emergency response program. 6. System start-up procedures followed. Transformer-External (To be completed) Switch Gear (To be completed) Clean Power (To be complet ed) InternalWiring (To be completed) Fire (To be completed) Structural Failure (To be completed) Bus Bar (To be completed) 7 Recommended Contingency Strategies - Considerations and Preparation Activities Safety: u Evacuation of building u Shut off equipment (scrubbers/HVAC) Location of building plans, employees shift assignments and emergency numbers. Building process transfer plan. Step A steps for notification of the City of Phoenix fire department and evacuation of employees should be conducted first. HADCO Phoenix alternate communication (telephone system (cell phones via 2-way radio equipment), safety and environmental monitoring equipment, medical equipment and emergency response equipment Preparation activities should include: emergency generator testing, procurement of emergency response equipment, outside contractor contracts, staff training on the contingency procedure and building evacua tion procedures including employee training. Staffing-No additional internal staff will be needed to implement contingency. Outside contract personnel will be required to operate temporary equipment and if a catastrophic event occurs. Implementation time frame-this will vary depending on the solution implemented. 8 Notification Procedures - Activation and Implementation In the event of a major catastrophe, the contingency plan shall be activated by notifying all emergency services in the following sequence: Plant Engineering, Environmental Control and HADCO Phoenix management. S Name Position Contact Method Phone Numbers e / Seq q 1 Sergio Plant Phone (1st) Work: Echerivel Engineering Cell Phone (602)824-8422 Supervisor (2nd) Home: In-person (602)755-8540 (3rd) Cellular: (602)315-8651) Pager: (602)310-2725 2 Steve Bold Director Phone (1st) Work: Environmenta Cell Phone (602)824-8408 l (2nd) Home: In-person (602)759-4218 (3rd) Cellular: Pager: (800)467-8710 3 Steve Lach Plant Phone (1st) Work: Manager Cell Phone (602)824-8402 (2nd) Home: In-person (602)515-2290 (3rd) Cellular: (602) Pager: (888)471-3992 4 Tom Steele Director of Phone (1st) Work: Outerlayer Cell Phone (602)824-8404 (2nd) Home: (602) In-person Cellular: (3rd) Pager: (888)203-0273 5 Sarah Heiner Director of Phone (1st) Work: Innerlayers Cell Phone (602)824-8406 (2nd) Home: (602) In-person Cellular: (3rd) Pager: (602)450-5691 9 Contingency Plan Team Organization The contingency plan team will be directed by Sergio Echerivel, Plant Engineering Supervis or, who will coordinate all required activities with security, environmental control, management and local regulatory agencies. The necessary steps will be taken and reported to Steve Lach, HADCO Phoenix plant manager. All operations will be halted and employees evacuated from the effected building. Security will direct evacuation activities while plant engineering will coordinate repairs and building systems evaluations. Steps will be taken to insure structural integrity and building system operation prior to any building occupancy. Name / Position / Contact Method Phone Numbers Address Role / Seq Sergio Plant Phone (1st) Work: Echerivel Engineering Cell Phone (602)824-8422 Supervisor (2nd) Home: In-person (602)755-8540 (3rd) Cellular: (602)315- 8651 Pager: (602)310-2725 TBD Group Leader Phone (1st) Work: Pager (2nd) (602)824-8623 In-person Home: (3rd) Pager: Bob Lipira Project Phone (1st) Work: Manager Pager (2nd) (602)824-8564 In-person Home: (3rd) (602)867-7741 Pager: (602)201-1785 10 Criteria for and Steps to Return to Normal Operations Normal operation will be realized as soon as the facility is declared safe by the appropriate local, state and federal regulatory agency and HADCO Environmental Department, all repairs will have been completed per the City AFP program and the Business Unit Manager directs production to start. 11 Testing of the Plan The plan shall be tested per the following scenarios and include: (1) simulation program, (2) building specific area process, (3) Fire alarm test and evacuation program and (4) actual simulated incident with full contingency plan deployment. 12 Verification and Approval Written by: ________________________________________________ Date: _______________ Approved by: ______________________________________________ Date: _______________ Signature (Print) Business Contingency Plan for Process WATER 1 General Plan Information Business Unit Phoenix Business Area Plant Engineering Business Area Manager Name: Tom Steele Work Phone: Sarah Heiner (602)824-8404 (602)824-8406 Process Owner Name: Sergio Echerivel Work Phone: (602)824-8422 Plan Developer Name: Robert J. Lipira Work Phone: (602)824-8564 Revision Date 6/21/99 2 Objective To coordinate all SRP/City of Phoenix repair activities within shortest time frame (<8 hours), install a site water storage tank to provide water to complete production in place and complete internal repairs within 4 hours. 3 Scope Plan includes the utilization of utility company staff to repair off-site equipment to restore site water and doesn't include the availability of labor, material and equipment under their jurisdiction. The plan includes repair of internal water distribution by internal staff or outside contractors provided equipment and material is readily available. 4 Assumptions Under Which Plan Was Developed A. SRP/City of Phoenix sup port staff available B. Internal support staff on-site C. Material, labor and equipment available locally D. Electricity/water available 5 Triggers or Failure Scenarios Which Would Activate the Plan A. Brown Out B. Main Break C. Pressure Loss D. Plumbing E. Fire (To be completed) F. Structural Failure (To be completed) G. Contamination (To be completed) 6 Recommended Contingency Strategies - Action Matrix Triggers Actions Roles and (copy from Responsibilities item 5) Brown Out Safety: (Refer to 7A) Security (Total Immediate Solution: notifies Plant Shutdown) u Shut off equipment Engineering Strategies: u Coordinate SRP utility Supervisor, 1. Pre- crew repair activities Business Area determined u Power restored Ma nagers, priorities andu Repair any equipment Environmental allocation damages (internal/outside Health staff and sequence contractor) Production 2. Identify 1. Inspect production Managers. Plant alternative equipment and manually engineering operating restart staff is locations 2. Manual restart notified.. 3. Ensure HVAC/scrubber equipment Business area key employees3. Reset managers decide have trained chillers/controls (contractproduction back-up service vendor-Honeywell) movement. Plant personnel. Long Term Solution: Engineering 4. Develop u Install water storage supervisor help desk tank on site to allow for implements clean- procedures. production to complete in up and repair 5. Develop process b oards (outside procedures. emergency contractor) response program. 6. System start-up protocol followed. Main Break Safety: (Refer to 7A) Security (Total Immediate Solution: notifies Plant Shutdown) u Shut off equipment Engineering Strategies: u Contact City of Supervisor, 1. Pre- Phoenix Repair any Business Area determined equipment damages Managers, priorities andu Water service restored Environmental allocation 1. Inspect production Health staff and sequence equipment and manually Production 2. Identify restart Managers. Plant alternative 2. Manual restart engineering operating HVAC/scrubber equipment staff is locations 3. Reset notified.. 3. Ensur e chillers/controls (contractBusiness area key employees service vendor-Honeywell).managers decide have trained production back-up Long Term Solution: movement. Plant personnel. u PM program Engineering 4. Develop u Install safety supervisor help desk lighting (internal/outsideimplements clean- procedures. contractor) up and repair 5. Develop u Install water storage procedures. emergency tank on site to allow for response production to complete in program. process boards (outside 6. System contractor) start-up protocol followed. Pressure Loss Immediate Solution: Security (Variable u Assess problem notifies Plant Shutdown) u Reroute plumbing Engineering Strategies: (install temporary Supervisor, 1. Pre- connections-hoses etc.) Business Area determined (internal/outside Managers, priorities and contractor) Environmental allocation u Transfer product to Health staff and sequence another building Production 2. Identify Long Term Solution: Managers. Plant alternative u Repair system engineering operating (internal/outside staff is locations contractor) notified.. 3. Ensure u PM inspection program Business area key employeesu Coordinate material managers decide have trained available for alternative production back-up procurement movement. Plant personnel. Engineering 4. Develop supervisor help desk implements clean- procedures. up and repair 5. Develop procedures. emergency response program. 6. System start-up protocol followed. Plumbing Immediate Solution: Security (Variable u Assess problem notifies Plant Shutdown) u Reroute plumbing Engineering Strategies: (install temporary Supervisor, 1. Pre- connections-hoses etc.) Business Area determined (internal/outside Managers, priorities and contractor) Environmental allocation u Transfer product to Health staff and sequence another building Production 2. Identify Long Term Solution: Managers. Plant alternative u Check support system s engineering operating routinely staff is locations u Replace corroded notified.. 3. Ensure pipe/supports Business area key employees (internal/outside managers decide have trained contractor) production back-up u Repair system movement. Plant personnel. (internal/outside Engineering 4. Develop contractor) supervisor help desk u PM inspection program implements clean- procedures. u Coordinate material up and repair 5. Develop available for alternative procedures. emergency procurement response program. 6. System start-up protocol followed. Fire (To be completed) Structural Failure (To be completed) Contamination (To be completed) 7 Recommended Conti ngency Strategies - Considerations and Preparation Activities Safety: u Evacuation of building Location of building plans, employees shift assignments and emergency numbers. Building process transfer plan. Step A steps for notification of the City of Phoenix fire department and evacuation of employees should be conducted first. HADCO Phoenix alternate communication (telephone system cell phones via 2-way radio equipment), safety and environmental monitoring equipment, medical equipment and emergency response equipment Preparation activities should include: emergency generator testing, procurement of emergency response equipment, outside contractor contracts, staff training on the contingency procedure and building evacuation procedures including employee training. Staffing-No additional internal staff will be needed to implement contingency. Outside contract personnel will be required to operate temporary equipment and if a catastrophic e vent occurs. Implementation time frame-this will vary depending on the solution implemented. 8 Notification Procedures - Activation and Implementation In the event of a major catastrophe, the contingency plan shall be activated by notifying all emergency services in the following sequence: Plant Engineering, Environmental Control and HADCO Phoenix management. S Name Position Contact Method Phone Numbers e / Seq q 1 Sergio Plant Phone (1st) Work: Echerivel Engineering Cell Phone (602)824-8422 Supervisor (2nd) Home: In-person (602)755-8540 (3rd) Cellular: (602)315-8651) Pager: (602)310-2725 2 Steve Bold Directo r Phone (1st) Work: Environmenta Cell Phone (602)824-8408 l (2nd) Home: In-person (602)759-4218 (3rd) Cellular: Pager: (800)467-8710 3 Steve Lach Plant Phone (1st) Work: Manager Cell Phone (602)824-8402 (2nd) Home: In-person (602)515-2290 (3rd) Cellular: (602) Pager: (888)471-3992 4 Tom Steele Director of Phone (1st) Work: Outerlayer Cell Phone (602)824-8404 (2nd) Home: (602) In-person Cellular: (3rd) Pager: (888)203-0273 5 Sarah Heiner Director of Phone (1st) Work: Innerlayers Cell Phone (602)824-8406 (2nd) Home: (602) In-person Cellular: (3rd) Pager: (602)450-5691 9 Contingency Plan Team Organization The contingency plan team will be directed by Sergio Echerivel, Plant Engineering Supervisor, who will coordinate all required activities with security, environmental control, management and local regulatory agencies. The necessary steps will be taken and reported to Steve Lach, HADCO Phoenix plant manager. All operations will be halted and employees evacuated from the effected building. Security will direct evacuation activities while plant engineering will coordinate repairs and building systems evaluations. Steps will be taken to insure structural integrity and building system operation prior to any building occupancy. Name / Position / Contact Method Phone Numbers Address Role / Seq Sergio Plant Phone (1st) Work: Echerivel Engineering Cell Phone (602)824-8422 Supervisor (2nd) Home: In-person (602)755-8540 (3rd) Cellular: (602)315-8651 Pager: (602)310-2725 TBD Group Leader Phone (1st) Work: Pager (2nd) (602)824-8623 In-person Home: (3rd) Pager: Bob Lipira Project Phone (1st) Work: Manager Pager (2nd) (602)824-8564 In-person Home: (3rd) (602)867-7741 Pager: (602)201-1785 10 Criteria for and Steps to Return to Normal Operations Normal operation will be realized as soon as the facility is declared safe by the appropriate local, state and federal regulatory agency and HADCO Environmental Department, all repairs will have been completed per the City AFP program and the Business Unit Manager directs production to start. 11 Testing of the Plan The plan shall be tested per the following scenarios and include: (1) simulation program, (2) build ing specific area process, (3) Fire alarm test and evacuation program and (4) actual simulated incident with full contingency plan deployment. 12 Verification and Approval Written by: ________________________________________________ Date: _______________ Approved by: ______________________________________________ Date: _______________ Signature (Print) Business Contingency Plan for Process AIR CONDITIONING (A/C) 1 General Plan Information Business Unit Phoenix Business Area Plant Engineering Business Area Manager Name: Tom Steele Work Phone: Sarah Heiner (602)824-8404 (602)824-8406 Process Owner Name: Sergio Echerivel Work Phone: (602)824-8422 Plan Developer Name: Robert J. Lip ira Work Phone: (602)824-8564 Revision Date 6/21/99 2 Objective To establish external/internal procedures to procure material, labor and equipment to repair AC facilities within 24 hours to maintain production requirements. 3 Scope Plan includes the utilization of utility company staff to repair off-site equipment to restore site power/water and doesn't include the availability of labor, material and equipment under their jurisdiction. The plan includes repair of building AC systems by internal staff and contracted outside service vendor (Honeywell) provided equipment and material is readily available. 4 Assumptions Under Which Plan Was Developed A. Local utility staff available B. Internal support staff on site C. Contracted service vendor on site D. Material, labor and equipment available locally E. Electricity/water available 5 Triggers or Failure Scenarios Which Would Act ivate the Plan A. No Power B. No Water C. Mechanical Failure D. Broken Plumbing E. Control Systems F. Fire (To be completed) G. Structural Failure (To be completed) H. Y2K (To be completed) 6 Recommended Contingency Strategies - Action Matrix Triggers Actions Roles and (copy from Responsibilities item 5) No Power Immediate Solution: Security (Total u Shutdown equipment notifies Plant Shutdown) u Coordinate SRP utility Engineering Strategies: crew repair activities Supervisor, 1. Pre- u Install portable Business Area determined generators for clean roomsManagers, priorities and (internal/outside Environmental allocation contractor) Health staff and sequence u Power restored Production 2. Identify u Install temporary HVAC Managers. Plant alternative equipment (air conditioningengineering operating and cooling towers) staff and locations (internal/outside contract HVAC 3. Ensure contractor) service vendor key employees A. Move production to a is notified. have trained different building RepairBusiness area back-up equipment managers decide personnel. B. Reset air production 4. Develop conditioning/cooling towermovement. Plant help desk controls (contract serviceEngineering procedures. vendor-Honeywell) supervisors 5. Develop C. Start-up equipment implement emergency D. Verify with productioncleanup and response Long Term Solution: repair program. u Set up portable procedures. 6. System generators system with start-up cooling towers and HVAC protocol equipment for localized use followed. u Establish contractual procedures for procurement of temporary equipment in a timely manner. No Water Immediate Solution: Security (Total u Shutdown equipment notifies Plant Shutdown) u Coordinate City of Engineering Strategies: Phoenix crew repair Supervisor, 1. Pre- activities Business Area determined u Water service restored Managers, priorities and A. Fire hydrant water Environmental allocation source Health staff and sequence B. Temporary building Production 2. Identify hose connections Managers. Pla nt alternative C. Reset air engineering operating conditioners/cooling towerstaff and locations controls (contract servicecontract HVAC 3. Ensure vendor-Honeywell) service vendor key employees D. Start-up equipment is notified. have trained E. Verify with productionBusiness area back-up Long Term Solution: managers decide personnel. u Install water storage production 4. Develop tank on site to allow for movement. Plant help desk production to complete in Engineering procedures. process boards (outside supervisors 5. Develop contractor) implement emergency u Establish contractual cleanup and response procedures for procurementrepair program. of temporary equipment in aprocedures. 6. System timely manner. start-up protocol followed. Mechanical Immediate Solution: Security Failure u Shutdown equipment notifies Plant Variable u Install temporary Engineering Shutdown) cooling tower/AC equipmentSupervisor, Strategies: (internal/outside Business Area 1. Pre- contractor) Managers, determined u Move production to a Environmental priorities and different building Health staff and allocation u Locate problem Production sequence u Repair equipment Managers. Plant 2. Identify (internal/outside engineering alternative contractor) staff and operating u Reset air contract HVAC locations conditioning/cooling towerservice vendor 3. Ensure controls (contract serviceis notified. ke y employees vendor-Honeywell) Business area have trained u Start-up equipment managers decide back-up u Verify with production production personnel. Long Term Solution: movement. Plant 4. Develop u Replace equipment Engineering help desk (internal/outside supervisors procedures. contractor) implement 5. Develop u PM replacement program cleanup and emergency u Predictive maintenance repair response plan procedures. program. u Establish contractual 6. System procedures for start-up lease/procurement of protocol temporary equipment in a followed. timely manner. Broken Immediate Solution: Security Plumbing u Shutdown equipment notifies Plant (Variable u Install temporary Engineering Shutdown) connection Supervisor, Strategies: (internal/outside Business Area 1. Pre- contractor) Managers, determined u Move production to a Environmental priorities and different building Health staff and allocation u Repair piping Production sequence (internal/outside Managers. Plant 2. Identify contractor) engineering alternative u Reset air staff and operating conditioning/cooling towercontract HVAC locations controls (outside service service vendor 3. Ensure vendor-Honeywell) is notified. key employeesu Start-up equipment Business area have trained u Verify with production managers decide back-up Long Term Solution: production personnel. u PM Program: Re place movement. Plant 4. Develop piping Engineering help desk u Establish contractual supervisors procedures. procedures for procurementimplement 5. Develop of temporary equipment in acleanup and emergency timely manner. repair response procedures. program. 6 . System start-up protocol followed. Control Immediate Solution: Security Systems u Shutdown equipment notifies Plant (Variable u Install temporary Engineering Shutdown) cooling tower/AC equipmentSupervisor, Strategies: (internal/outside Business Area 1. Pre- contractor) Managers, determined u Move production to a Environmental priorities and different building Health staff and allocation u Locate problem Production sequence (internal/outside Managers. Plant 2. Identify contractor) engineering alternative u Repair equipment staff and operating (internal/outside contract HVAC locations contractor) service vendor 3. Ensure u Reset air is notified. key employees conditioning/cooling towerBusiness area have trained controls (contract servicemanagers decide back-up vendor-Honeywell) production personnel. u Start-up equipment movement. Plant 4. Develop u Verify with production Engineering help desk Long Term Solution: supervisors procedures. u Replace equipment implement 5. Develop (internal/outside cleanup and emergency contractor) repair response u PM program procedures. pro gram. u Establish contractual 6. System procedures for procurement start-up of temporary equipment in a protocol timely manner. followed. Fire (To be completed) Structural Failure (To be completed) Y2K (To be completed) 7 Recommended Contingency Strategies - Considerations and Preparation Activities Safety: u Evacuation of building u Notify Fire Dept u Shut off utilities u Shut off equipment u Assessment of damage u Clean-up debris u Install temporary cover Location of building plans, standard operating procedures, employees shift assignments and emergency numbers. Building process transfer plan. Step A steps for notification of the City of Phoenix fire department and evacuation of employees should be conducted first. HADCO Phoenix alternate communication (telephone system cell phones via 2-way radio eq uipment), safety and environmental monitoring equipment, medical equipment and emergency response equipment Preparation activities should include: emergency generator testing, procurement of emergency response equipment, outside contractor contracts, staff training on the contingency procedure and building evacuation procedures including employee training. Staffing-No additional internal staff will be needed to implement contingency. Outside contract personnel will be required to operate temporary equipment and if a catastrophic event occurs. Implementation time frame-this will vary depending on the solution implemented. Reliance on others-outside contracts has been established to provide for temporary equipment through Honeywell. 8 Notification Procedures - Activation and Implementation In the event of a major catastrophe, the contingency plan shall be activated by notifying all emergency services in the following sequence: Plant Engineering, Environment al Control and HADCO Phoenix management. |