Warren Frozen Foods, Inc. - Executive Summary

| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

Warren Frozen Foods, Inc. is a manufacturer of frozen pasta products.  Our main raw ingredients are several types of flour, liquid egg and water.  These are all natural ingredients that cause little safety concern to our employees and the community. 
The process starts with mixing the raw ingredients together and either sheeting or extruding the ingredients innto many shapes and sizes of pasta.  Approximately 95% is cooked in a submerged water bath, risned, cut (if needed), frozen, packaged in a pzckage ranging from 6 oz. to 1000 pound tote.  The product is then stored in a sub zero holding freezer.   
The anhydrous ammonia used in the freezing process is our largest concern of any hazardous material.  We handle between 21000 and 22000 pounds of ammonia at any one time.  The refrigeration system is built to meet OSHA and ANSI regulations.  The Altoona Fire Department inspects us twice a year.  This gives them the opportunity to review with us and give guidance as well as familiarize them 
selves with our facility and help us stay abreast of changing regulations.  In addition, we are inspected by our insurance carrier and review all findings and recommendations they make. 
Below are listed some of the additional things we have done to promote safer working and community environment. 
1.  All new installations meet or exceed all code requirements. 
2.  Qualifing program for all outside contractor. 
         1.20 or less workman comp rating. 
         Contractor must show us their safety program for review. 
         Must include 24 hours response class and 8 hour review class annually. 
3.  All new construction since 1995, as much as possible piping and ammonia control valves are placed outside of building. 
4.  Installed more exhaust fans in ammonia sensitive areas. 
5.  Installed a liquid ammonia pump system in order to keep LRU tanks at normal operatring levels. 
6.  Written procedures for start-up, shkut-down and draining oil. 
7.  Set cabnet in compressor room in order to co 
nviently provide the proper PPE for the jobs. 
8.  Use Deadman spring loaded oil drain valves. 
9.  Receiver located in area away from the vehicle and employee traffic.  The next two largest vessels are also located in the same area, minimizing exposure. 
10.  Receiver site glass guarded by guard post and safety valves at each end of site glass. 
11.  High level alarm system for ammonia LRU and Intercooler tanks that shut down compressors, activate audo alarm and also activates an auto dialer to call three designated people. 
12. Alarm system set up to notify in house first.  If no acknowledgment, system will call Terry Warren, VP of Operations, John Miller, Maintenance Coordinator and John Davis, Maintenance Lead Person and report if high level, ammonia leak or high temperature problem. 
13. An in house warning horn is in place to accelerate notification and evacuation of personnel. 
14. Guards are around compressors and piping to prevent accidental damage. 
15. We have moved valves and pipin 
g when possible to prevent possible accidents. 
16. Member of the LEPC and they have copy of our Emergency Response Plan. 
17. Local fire department also has a copy of the Emergency Response Plan, conducts annual inspections and has complimented us on our Emergency Response Plan. 
18. We have monthly safety meetings for employees, also have a safety bulliten board to notify of possible concerns. 
19. All employees are trained in what to do for the different emergencies. 
20. Trained individuals for our SCBA program. 
21. Purchase only "In Kind" parts. 
22 Active respirator program. 
23. Require the use of full face respirator and gloves when draining oil from the refrdigeration system.
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