Farmers Anhydrous - Executive Summary

| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

This process consists of two 8000 gallon tanks or 60,000 lbs of Anhydrous Ammonia. This facility was constructed for the sole purpose of fertilizing agricultural cropland.  It is located in a rural area away from as many residents as possible.  Being a new facility I am in the process of building cages around the storage tanks in order to lock them up.  I am very much aware of the problems associated with anhydrous ammonia and plan to do all I can to keep my facility as safe as possible for the community and myself.  The primary activity at this facility is to store anhydrous ammonia for farm use.  In the worst-case scenario I used the RMP COMP. to calculate my distances.  In the worst-case the distance was a 4.4 mile radius.  In this radius there are 48 residents.  The local fire department is trained in HazMat chemical spills, so we would work together to carry out the needed procedures and evacuations if necessary.  In the near future I would like to construct a berm around the stor 
age tanks to help control a liquid spill.  Being a relative flat and rural area I feel like this chemical could be contained in less than a 4.4 mile radius.  In the alternative scenario the distance was a 1.3 mile radius.  In this radius only 5 residents are located within this perimeter.  With the manual shut-off valves in place on both the vapor and liquid outlets on each tank a toxic release is unlikely.  All , unless one or both of the tanks are obstructed.  All of these valves will be shut off after each and every use of the storage tanks.  The metal cage surrounding the valves (including vapor and liquid outlets) will  be locked after each use.  The public will not have direct access to this facility.  This facility is located about 500 yards from a county road in which gates will be locked at all times.  Being a new facility there are no previous accidents.  In case of an emergency neighbors have been notified to contact myself and/or the fire department.  From there the appropr 
iate actions will be followed depending on the fire department's accessments.  In the near future I would like to build an additional fence (with barbed wire on top) around the parimeter of the tanks.  Also (metioned earlier) a berm around the tanks to help control a liqiud spill.  In case of an on-site burn, do to direct contact of ammonia, water is on hand to rinse the burn thoroughly.  Next medical attention should be sought as soon as possible.  Use of safety goggles, rubber gloves, and a resperator will be required when transfering anhrydrous ammonia.
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