Kaylor Ammonia - Executive Summary

| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

Risk Management Plan 
Kaylor Ammonia 
2508 Oak Grove Road 
Van Buren, Ar 
1. Facilty Accident Prevention Program 
The owners of Kaylor Ammonia are committed to the prevention of accidental release of anhydrous ammonia. If a release should occurr the facilty is prepared to work with the local fire department or other authorities to mitigate any release and minimize the impact of the release to people and the environment. A response plan has been developed and coordinated with the local fire department in the event of a release. 
Facilty IInfo 
The primary activity at the facility is the loading and unloading of trucks for sale of ammonnia to plants and other facilties. Anhydrous ammonia  is brought in by tanker truck by Kaylor Ammonia personnel. The ammonnia is stored in two tanks of 8000 each. The facilty is located in a sparcely populated area of Crawford County and is unmanned. 
Hazard Assesment  
Worst Case Release Result Scenario 
The worst case senario is the release of the maximum qu 
antity of ammonia that can be stored in one tank which is 8000 gallon. The release would occurr in 10 minutes. No pasive or other mitigatation were used. 
The most pessimistic meteorilogicals conditions were used 1.5 meters/second and F stabilty. The distance to the endpoint is 1.44 miles. 
Alternate senarios 
THe alternate senario is a release during loading or unloading of the tanks. This release will occurr with one employee nearby. It is asumeded that this event would release 100 lbs/minute and should be able to controlled in 4 minutes based on the EPA model for refridgeration.The distance to toxic endpoint is 0.19 miles. 
Accident Release Prevention Program 
The facility operates in accordance with the OSHA Standard 1910.119. The facilty has a maintenance and inspection program in accordance with the OSHA standard and industry standards. 
Five Year Accident  
There have been no report of releases in the last 5 years. 
Emergency Response Program 
The facility emergency response pro 
gram primari;ly consists of coordination with local fire officials. 
Planned changes to improve safety is an ongoing project. Periodic Evaluation are performed to assess the maintanance of safe conditions. The improvements planned are documentaion of routine inspections, PM and better coordination with fire officials.
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