Austin Urethane, Inc. - Executive Summary

| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

1.1 Company's Prevention and Emergency Response Approach: The company has coordinated its Risk 
Management Plan with the Sumter County LEPC. 
1.2 Description of the Stationary Source: The facility manfactures polyurethane foam by the vigerous mechanical mixing of polyols with water,catalyst and surfactants. The resultant polmeric network is expanded with carbon dioxide formed in the reaction between water and TDI. 
The facility stores and uses quantities of 2,4 toluene diisocyanate and 2,6 toluene diisocyanate in excess of the threshold quantities specified in 40 CFR 68.115, which is 10,000 pounds. 
The 2,4 and 2,6 toluene disocyanates are stored as a 80/20 mixture in storage tanks as follows: Two 10,000 gallon storage tanks. 
1.3 Description of worst-case release scenario: The worst-case release analyzed was the loss of the entire contents of one of the 10,000 gallon TDI storage tanks into a 900 sq. ft. diked area in our building. The distance to the end point was 13 y 
ds. This does not impact a public receptor. ALOHA was used to model the worst case scenario. 
1.4 None required by this program. The actions taken by this facility to prevent accidental releases includes the following: periodic inspection of all lines, pumps, valves for leaks, corrosion, operational failures.  
                      manual inspection of tank levels prior to loading to insure adequate space is aaavailable 
                      unloading operations are not left unattended 
                      storage tanks are indoors to reduce corrosion and protect from accidental rupturing 
                      storage tanks are all diked with concrete floors 
1.5 There have been no accidental releases of TDI  from  this facility in the past 5 years that have caused on site or off site impacts.
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