The Village of Monticello Water Department - Executive Summary

| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

The Chlorine room is located ina na adjacent room in the main plant building, with a steel overhead door in thefront wall of that room to permit removal and delivery of tanks as required.  A separate employee pass door is also provided to an interior hallway of the main water plant building.  The three one ton tanks are set on the concrete floor slab of the room.  A chlorine monitor/alarm is situated in the room, with a tank and piping repair kit as well as dual scott packs provided on the outside door of the room for immediate response in the event of a Chlorine leak.  Chlorine lines are well marked, door is well labeled and MSDS sheet is posted. 
Chlorine Leak 
Minor Chlorine leaks are a fairly common occurance during a routine Cylimder change.  These leaks are relatively small and are repaired or corrected with a minimum amount of problems. 
The Water Department is well equipped to deal with major leaks and ruptures.  We have self contained breathing apparatus, CL2 tank re 
pair kits and a supply of chlorinator repair parts to correct nearly any Chlorine leak.  Our staff has been trained in emergency procedures for CL2 leaks and safety equipment handling.  If a situation occurs where more than one tank ruptures or leaks, personnel on duty will follow procedures that are listed below: 
1.  Evacuation procedure will take effect immediately. 
2.  Superintendent will be notified and will notify the L.E.P.C. and the Village Manager. 
3.  Responsible personnel trained in the use of self breathing apparatus will gear up. 
4.  Telephone calls will be made to the Fire Department and Ambulance Corps to respond. 
5.  Police Department will be notified to assist in possible evacuation of surrounding occupied dwellings and traffic control. 
6.  If necessary Superintendent will contact CL2 supplier for additional equipment and technical assistance.  
(New York State Spill Hotline #1-800-457-7362 or 1-518-457-7362). 
7.  Personnel will continue to make repairs to Chlorine cyli 
nders and/or chlorinators until completed. 
All Chlorine leaks are detected immediately throught the employment of CL2 leak detectors which are connected to alarms that sound on the Treatment Plant's grounds.  This alarm system is also monitored via telemery to a monitoring service, that notifies the appropriate personnel in the event a leak occurs during hours the plant is shut down and not staffed.
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