Hi-Plains-Selden-NH3 - Executive Summary

| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

The Hi-Plains Coop strives to provide a safe and healthful workplace for our employees, customers, patrons and the communities we serve. We as a company have a safety program for our anhydrous operations that we feel is effective and designed to minimize the potential of a release of anhydrous ammonia. Because accidents do happen we also have a complete emergency response program that we have reviewed with the local fire department. All of our employees have been trained on this program and we update the program as necessary. 
The worse case scenario for the Selden location is 1.63 miles according to the Degadis model that we used for this location. This uses a release of 53,000 pounds of ammonia in 10 minutes from our 12,000 gallon storage tank. The alternative release scenario has a distance of .83 miles around the plant. For this we used the degadis model. It assumes a two inch line break for 2 minutes which results in 11,908 pounds. In both scenarios there are public receptors that 
would be affected according to the release.  
Our company is continuing our efforts toward safety and as a result we hope to continue our excellent safety record which includes no reportable accidents at this facility for over 5 years.
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