Defiance Water Treatment Plant - Executive Summary

| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

The City of Defiance Water Treatment facility supplies potable water to the City's residences, businesses and industry. The primary use of the plant is treatment of surface water from the Maumee River for drinking water purposes. The use of chlorine gas is a major component of the treatment process. The chlorine used in the facility is stored in steel one-ton cylinders. Up to  10 cylinders are stored at the plant at a time. Only four cylinders can be on-line at a time. 
The facility has made a commoittment to safety and the implementation of safe work procedures by stressing on-the-job training and encouraging continued awareness of safe working procedures. A review of plant safety procedures is being conducted in with the RMP. 
A worst-case scenario was determined for a chlorine gas release from the Defiance facility using RMP*COMP software obtained from USEPA. The scenario assumed a release of all 8000 pounds of chlorine gas stored at the facility. An alternative release scenario was a 
lso determined, assuming a release of 8000 pounds of chlorine, at a much slower rate. Enclosure of the cylindersin the treatment buildingwas considered as an active mitigation measure for the modeled worst-case scenario. This information was originally submitted to the EPA prior to the June 21, 1999 deadline. 
Emergency response has been coordinated with the City of Defiance Fire Department and Local Emergency Planning Commoitte.
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