Chicagoland-Quad Cities Express, Inc. - Executive Summary

| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

1) Accidental Release Prevention and Emergenc Response Policies - We at Chicagoland-Quad Cities Express, Inc. are strongly committed to employee, public and environmental safety. This commitment is demonstrated by our comprehensive accident release prevention program that covers areas such as hazardous materials, segregation procedures, material handling equipment maintenance and employee training associated with storage and handling hazardous materials.  2) The Stationary Source and the Regulated Substances Handled - We have 2 regulated substances present at our facility. The first is hydrofluoric acid, 70% aqueous solution. The maximum inventory is 32,000 pounds. The material is stored in 55 gallon plastic drums. The second is peracetic acid, the maximum inventory is 44, 000 pounds stored in 55 gallon plastic drums. 3) The worst case Release Scenario and the Alternative Release Scenario, including administrative controls and mitigition measures to limit the distances for each scenari 
os. The worst cast scenario will be a liquid spill and evaporation. We are considering the building as passive mitigition for the calculation of the toxic endpoint. The alternate scenario will be the release from a plastic drum damaged with a forklift during normal handling operations. For the calculations of the toxic endpoint we considered the same passive mitigition and a sprinkler system as active mitigation components available. Our results from the worse case scenario indicate that we could have public receptors within the distance to the endpoint, therefore we are reporting a prevention program level 2 for our facility. 4) General Accidental Release Prevention Program Level 2: Process Safety Information A) Chicagoland-Quad Cities Express, Inc. maintains current MSDS for all regulated substances in storage. B) Chicagoland-Quad Cities Express, Inc. maintains written operating procedures. These procedures address various modes of operation such as segration, storage forklifts, load 
ing, unloading, labeling, bracing and knowledge of MSDS. C) A comprehensive training program is in place to ensure that employees are competent in the operation associated with these processes. Refresher training is provided very two years and more frequently if needed. D) All forklifts are maintained on a regular maintenance schedule. A detailed maintenance file is kept on all forklifts. Any equipment deficiencies identified are corrected in a safe and timely manner. E) Chicagoland-Quad Cities Express, Inc. conducts monthly internal audits to its storage and handling procedures in addition new MSDS are reviewed as received. F) We investigate any incident that could result in or could reasonalby result in a catostrophic release of a regulated substance. These investigations are undertaked to identify a potential situation leading to a release and identify a corrective action to prevent the release from occurring. G) Chicagoland-Quad Cities Express, Inc. has an excellent record of preve 
nting accidental releases over the last five years. Due to our company policies and training there has been no accidental release during this period. H) Chicagoland-Quad Cities Express, Inc. has a written emergency response plan to deal with accidental releases of hazardous materials. The plan includes all aspects of emergency response including adequate first aid, medical treatment, evacuations, notification of the local agencies and the public. To insure proper functions, our emergency plan is updated to reflect any changes taking place within our warehousing process that would require a emerency response.
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