| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

Executive Summary 
1.  Facility Accidental Release Policy 
The owners, management and employees of Meeder Equipment Company are committed to the prevention of any accidental release of propane.  If an accidental release of propane should occur, the company is prepared to notify and work with the local Fire Department and other authorities to mitigate any release and to minimize the impact of the release to people and the environment.  A detailed emergency response plan is developed and would be implemented by the facility in the event of an accidental release. 
2.  Facility Information 
The primary business of the facility is the storage and distribution of liquefied petroleum gas (propane). Access to the site is restricted to authorized personnel.  This facility was determined to meet the RMP program (3) criteria. 
3.  Accidental Release Prevention Program 
This facility complies with EPA's accident prevention rule and all applicable federal, state and local codes and regulations.  T 
he propane system is designed, installed and maintained in accordance with the NFPA-58 state and local codes. 
4.  Worst-Case Release Scenario 
Failure of the largest storage tank when filled to the greatest amount 85% at 60*F would result in a vapor cloud explosion.  It is assumed that the entire tank contents are released as a vapor which finds an ignition source.  Ten (10) percent of the released quantity is assumed to participate in a resulting explosion.  The endpoint used is 1 PSI overpressure.  According to the EPA's reference tables or equations, the distance to the endpoint is (0.4) miles.  There is an estimated residential population of (0) within the distance to  the endpoint. 
5.  Five-year Accident History 
There have been no accidental releases or accidents involving propane that have caused any deaths, injuries or significant property damage at the facility or that have caused any off-site deaths, injuries, evacuations, sheltering on place property damage or environmenta 
l damage. 
6.  Emergency Response Program 
In the event of an emergecy involving our propane system, it is our policy to notify the local fire department and other authorities to request a response to the emergency.  We have discussed this policy with the local fire department and other authorities to coordinate such a response. 
7.  Planned Changes to Improve Safety 
Safety is an ongoing process at the facility and periodic evaluations are performed to assess the maintenance of safe conditions.  Employees at the facility receive and training and safety, proper loading and unloading proceedures and location of emergency shut-off switches/valves in the event of an accidental release of propane.
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