East Bank WWTP - Executive Summary

| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

I.  Accidental Release Prevention and Emergency Response Policies. 
The City of Center is committed to protect its citizens and workers from dangers due to accidental releases of toxic gases such as chlorine and sulfur dioxide.  An alliance with local industries has been formed to jointly respond to emergencies.  Training programs for workers have been established.  Emergency personnel are familiar with the potential hazards and responses should a accidental release occur. 
II.  Facility Description and Regulated Substances Handled. 
The facility is a municipal wastewater treatment plant treating both domestic and industrial wastewater.   It consists of the following processes: influent bar screen, aeration basin, final clarifiers, sludge dewatering and disposal, effluent disinfection and de-chlorination. 
III.  Worst-Case Release Scenarios and Alternative Release Scenarios. 
1. Results of Consequence Analysis for Chlorine 
Reference: RMP*Comp Ver. 1.06 7/6/00 
Chemical:  Chlorine 
CAS #: 
Category: Toxic Gas 
Release Quantity: 2000 lbs. 
Release Duration: 10 minutes 
Mitigation Measures: Release in enclosed space, in direct contact with outside air 
Toxic Endpoint: 0.0087 mg/L; basis: ERPG-2 
Air Temperature: 77oF (25oC) 
Topography Class: Urban 
Release Rate: 110 lbs/min 
Distance to Toxic Endpoint:0.9 mile 
Wind Speed: 3.4 mph 
Stability Class: F 
Topography Class: Urban 
Release Rate: 200 lbs/min 
Distance to Toxic Endpoint: 0.2 mile 
Wind Speed: 6.7 mph 
Stability Class: D 
2. Results of Consequence Analysis for Sulfur Dioxide 
Reference:    RMP*Comp Ver. 1.06 7/6/00 
Chemical:  Sulfur Dioxide, SO2 
CAS #: 7446-09-5 
Category: Toxic Gas 
Release Quantity: 150 lbs. 
Release Duration: 10 minutes 
Mitigation Measures: Release in enclosed space, in direct contact with outside air 
Toxic Endpoint: 0.0078 mg/L; basis: ERPG-2 
Air Temperature: 77o F (25oC) 
Topography Class: Urban 
Release Rate:8.25 lbs/m 
Distance to Toxic Endpoint: 0.2 mile 
Wind Speed: 3.4  
Stability Class: F 
Topography Class: Urban 
Release Rate: 10 lbs/min 
Distance to Toxic Endpoint: 0.1mile 
Wind Speed: 6.7 mph 
Stability Class: D 
IV.  Accident Prevention Program. 
The accident prevention program consists of the following elements: 
*Safety Information - MSDS are available and reviewed by all employees. 
*Hazard Review - New and old employees are shown potential hazards in the work place. 
*Operation Procedures - Each employee is shown how to operate equipment used to dispense chemicals.  This training lincludes hands on, demonstration, manual, and vendor catalogs.  Written procedures describe in detail what steps an operator must undertake in order to commence operations or terminate operations under all situations. 
*Training - Sessions are held on a quarterly basis to orient new employees and to provide review for other employees. 
*Maintenance - Guidelines have been developed for 
all dispensing equipment. 
*Compliance Audits - Inspections are conducted at 3-year intervals by qualified individuals familar with emergency situations. 
*Incident Investigation - Detail procedures have been established to determine the cause, results, and corrective actions that must be taken to prevent accidents. 
V.  Five-Year Accident History. 
    There have been no accidental releases in the last five years. 
VI.  Emergency Response Program. 
Emergency response consists of assessing accidents, contacting appropriate agencies, providing for those in danger, correcting the problem, and assisting evacuees in returning to their rightful places such as residence or work. 
VII.  Planned Changes to Improve Safety.
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