Compeq International - Executive Summary

| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

The Executive Summary for the Risk Management Plan is required under Section 112(r) of the Clean Air Act and 40 CFR 68.155. 
1. The accidental release prevention and emergency response policies at the plant. 
Compeq International has an Environmental Policy Statement, as shown here: 
Environmental Policy Statement 
Compeq International Corporation 
620 North John Glenn Road 
Salt Lake City, Utah 84116 
As leaders in the printed circuit board industry, Compeq International Corporation recognizes and believes that all operations and activities of the company should be conducted responsibly and in a manner designed to protect the health and safety of its employees, customers, the public, and the environment. 
Compeq International Corporation?s goal is not only to comply with existing environmental, safety, and health laws and regulations, but also to support additional activities that contribute to environmental protection, responsible resource management, and the safety and health of emplo 
yees, customers, and members of the community. 
Specifically, Compeq International will: 
1. Ensure that all activities fully comply with all federal, state, and local environmental, health, and safety regulations. 
2. Include environmental, safety, and health considerations in its business practices. 
3. Provide a safe and healthy work environment for all employees. 
4. Build and operate our facility in ways that protect human health and the environment. 
5. Mitigate and, if necessary, remediate any accidental impact Compeq International?s operations may have on the environment. 
Ted Witte is the Administration Manager and has jurisdiction over all environmental and safety issues.  COMPEQ International has a full-time environmental engineer and a full-time safety supervisor and a full-time wastewater treatment supervisor on staff.  Their names are: 
Donald E. Robinson, P.E. 
Environmental Engineer 
Jayson Evans 
Safety Supervisor 
Chris Allred 
Wastewater Treatment Supervisor 
All can be 
reached at 801-990-2000.  COMPEQ International does not have a formal system to track existing and new regulations, which may apply to the company.  However, the state regulatory agencies are all in Salt Lake City and can be reached very quickly.  COMPEQ International receives several publications on environmental and safety regulations.  The plant has a complete set of 40 CFR on site. 
The Environmental Engineer prepares a Comprehensive Site Compliance Evaluation on an annual basis in December of each year.  This is required by the storm water permit, which was issued by the Utah Division of Water Quality.  It addresses the compliance status of the plant and discusses any releases, which occurred to air, water, or land.  It also addresses the general condition of the plant. 
In addition, the Environmental Engineer prepares an air emissions inventory on April 15 of each year and a toxic release inventory on July 1 of each year. 
The following safety procedures for the HCl storage tank 
are implemented at Compeq International: 
Secondary containment around the tank; surface area is 324 square feet 
Containment wall is high enough to hold entire contents of tank (8000 gallons) 
Tank is new and will be installed in July 2000 
Overfill alarm system 
Tank within a tank; outer tank is fiberglass; inner tank is HDPE 
2. Your facility and the regulated substances handled. 
COMPEQ International manufactures printed circuit boards.  The actual manufacturing process includes many steps, including the ones listed below: 
Material Control & Purchasing 
Cut to Size 
Design Process 
In Process Quality Control (IPQC) Function - All Areas 
Inner Layer Dry Film 
Dry Process 
Outer Layer Dry Film 
Wet Process 
Plating, PTH, Pattern 
Etch & Strip 
Inner Layer & Outer Layer Quality Inspection 
Solder Mask 
Final (Electrical) Inspection 
Waste Water Treatment 
Surface Finish 
Immersion Gold Plating 
Hot Air Level [HAL] 
Quality Assurance 
Customer Service & Sales 
The only RMP  
regulated substance currently in use at Compeq International is hydrochloric acid, 37% concentration, CAS #7647-01-0.  The Threshold quantity is 15,000 lb (only the HCl counts).  There is one storage tank with a volume of 8000 gallons.  This is more than 29,129 LB of HCl. 
3. The worst-case release scenarios. 
Compeq International used RMP Comp Version 1.06 to determine the toxic endpoint for the storage tank.  The worst case release scenario for HCl shows off-site impact.  The distance to the toxic end point is 0.50 miles.  Public receptors are impacted.  The following parameters were put into the model, and the model yielded the following results: 
Chemical:  hydrochloric acid 37%.  CAS  7647-01-0 
Category:  Toxic liquid 
Scenario:  Worst case 
Quantity released:  29,129 LB 
Liquid temperature:  77 F 
Mitigation measures: 
Diked area:  324 SF 
Dike height:  3 feet 
Release rate to outside air:  3.86 LB/minute 
Topography:  Rural surroundings (terrain generally flat and unobstructed) 
endpoint:  0.030 mg/liter; basis ERPG-2 
Estimated distance to toxic endpoint:  0.5 miles 
Assumptions about this scenario: 
Wind speed:  1.5 meters/second 
Stability class:  F 
Air temperature:  77 F 
4. The general accidental release prevention program and chemical-specific prevention steps. 
Compeq International complies with the following environmental rules: 
A. Process Safety Management (PSM) Rules; 29 CFR 1910.119 
Compeq International is subject to PSM.  The PSM binder includes the following information: 
1. Emergency Preparedness Contingency Plan (EPCP).  This plan has been developed to assist the Emergency Coordinator (EC) in determining appropriate response procedures.  It is dated March 1997.  It is currently being updated by the EC.  The plan addresses response procedures for fire, explosion, and accidental releases to air and ground.  It also includes a list of equipment stored in the HAZMAT room, and a list of chemicals used at Compeq International. 
2. Process Flow Charts 

. Escape routes from the building 
4. Fire extinguisher locations 
5. Confined Space Pre-entry Hazard Analysis 
6. Hazardous Materials Management Plan.  This document describes the management of hazardous materials at Compeq International.  It is submitted to the Salt Lake City Fire Department.  It addresses the following: 
Combustible Dust 
Explosion Vents 
Hazardous Materials Inventory Statement 
General Site Plan 
Building Floor Plan 
Hazardous Materials Handling 
Chemical Compatibility and Separation 
Monitoring Program 
Security Pr3ecautins 
Hazard Labeling & Warning Signs 
Inspections & Record Keeping 
Employee Training 
Emergency Equipment 
Appendix I, General Site Plan 
Appendix II, Building Floor Plan 
Appendix III, Exempt Amounts of Hazardous Materials 
Appendix IV, Retention Calculations 
7. Standard for Lead.  This document defines the procedures that are required when working in areas that have a lead hazard.  This policy covers employees that are or have the potential to be exposed to le 
ad by working in or traveling through these designated areas.  See 29 CFR 1910.1025 and 1910.134. 
B. Clean Air Act of 1990 
Compeq International is subject to this act indirectly.  Air quality issues at Compeq International are handled under the Utah Air Conservation Act and the air permit. 
C. Utah Air Conservation Act 
Compeq INTERNATIONAL has an air permit issued by the Utah Division of Air Quality.  It is dated May 5j, 1999 and addresses criterial pollutants as well as hazardous air pollutants as defined by the Clean Air Act.  The permit requires Compeq International to properly maintain all equipment and to maintain records of maintenance.  The permit lists all the pollution control equipment at the plant as well as all process equipment.  The HCl storage tank is not specifically listed in the permit, but proper maintenance of it is required under the permit. 
D. RCRA Rules 
Compeq International complies with all applicable RCRA rules regarding 90-day storage of hazardous waste a 
nd satellite accumulation of hazardous waste.  Compeq International is a large quantity generator of hazardous waste. 
E. Clean Water Act 
Compeq INTERNATIONAL has a storm water permit, which was issued by the Utah Division of Water Quality.  Under this permit, Compeq INTERNATIONAL must minimize contamination to storm water and perform sampling every quarter. 
5. The five-year accident history. 
Compeq International has no accidental releases of air pollutants in  the last vi e years. 
6. The emergency response program.  Describe elements of the program such as coordination with local emergency responders, training received by personnel, drills conducted, public alert systems, etc. 
A. Coordination with local emergency responders 
Compeq International has coordinated with specific agencies for emergency response.  In the event of an imminent or actual incident that could threaten the environment or human health, the following agencies will (by prior arrangement) respond to emergency ca 
lls or investigation of incidents at Compeq International: 
Salt Lake City Police Department 
315 East 200 South 
Salt Lake City, UT   84111 
or 911 in emergencies 
Salt Lake City Fire Department 
Station 11 
581 North 2360 West 
Salt Lake City, UT   84122 
Or 911 in emergencies 
Chemical Spill 
Hazardous Materials Coordinator 
Salt Lake City Fire Department 
315 East 200 South, 7th Floor 
Salt Lake City, UT   84111 
Or 911 in emergencies 
Pioneer Valley Hospital 
3460 South Pioneer Parkway 
West Valley City, UT   84120 
Or 911 in emergencies 
Utah OSHA 
160 East 300 South, 3rd Floor 
PO Box 146650 
Salt Lake City, UT   84114 801-530-6901 
State Emergency Response 
SERC, Emergency Response Section 
Utah DEQ 
168 North 1950 West 
Salt Lake City, UT   84116 
Medical Transport 
Gold Cross 
1717 South Redwood Road 
Salt Lake City, UT   84119 
Or 911 in emergencies 
Hazardous Material Information 
National Response 
National Response Center 
B. Training received by personnel 
Compeq INTERNATIONAL (as of June 5, 2000) has given the following training: 
Training No. of Employees 
Maintenance technician 18 
Wastewater treatment foreman 2 
Environmental technician 12 
Lab technician 12 
24 Hour Hazmat 24 
40 Hour Hazwoper 7 
Safety 16 
C. Drills conducted 
Compeq International has scheduled the following drills for its employees who will respond to emergencies: 
1) Emergency evacuation drills are held twice a year.  The last one was held on 5-15-00. 
2) Emergency response drills are conducted to train employees to handle spills of hazardous materials or hazardous waste.  Drills will consist of training and scenarios that could occur at Compeq International.  These drills are held on the first Friday of every quarter.  The next one will be held on October 6, 2000. 
The following groups will participate in the drills (about 40 people total): 
Environmental Engineer 

afety Supervisor 
Security guards 
Wastewater Treatment Supervisor 
Wastewater Treatment staff 
Maintenance Supervisor 
Maintenance staff 
D. Public alert systems 
Compeq INTERNATIONAL has the following alarm systems in place: 
1) Evacuation alarms for plant-wide emergencies.  It includes 44 manual pull stations, 60 smoke detectors, 11 hatch switches.  All are monitored by the Alarm Control panel. 
2) Pit alarms.  These alarms activate in case of chemical overflow in the pits below the machinery.  There are three of them, one in A10 pit, B10 pit, and the basement.  They are monitored by the security person on duty. 
3) Door alarms.  All exit doors are alarmed.  They are monitored by the security person on duty. 
4) Overhead paging system.  It can be accessed form any phone in the plant. 
7. Planned changes to improve safety. 
A. Planned Future Safety Training 
Compeq International intends to have all WWT employees, supervisors, and security employees trained in safety procedures.  This is a 
n ongoing process due to employee turnover and internal transfers. 
B. Planned Future Environmental Training 
Compeq International intends to keep the environmental staff up to date on environmental regulations through attendance at seminars and purchase of appropriate handbooks and new editions of regulations.
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