Archbold Agri-Services - Executive Summary |
Anhydrous Ammonia For further information contact: Kevin Ford, Plant Manager T1e accidental release prevention and emergency response policy: The location and design of this system complies with the Ohio Administrative Code 901:5-3-01 to 90l:5-3- 14, "Regulations for Storing and Handling Fertilizer Anhydrous Ammonia", as administered and enforced by the Ohio Department of Agriculture. It is the policy of Archbold Agri-Services to adhere to all applicable federal, state, and local laws. Management and employees are committed to the prevention of accidental releases of anhydrous ammonia. If an accidental release should occur, the facility is prepared to work with the local fire department, county LEPC, EPA, and all other authorities to minimize a release and its impact on people and the environment. A description of the facility and the regulated substance handled: The primary activity at this facility is the storage and blending of fertilizers for sale to farmers. Anhydrous ammonia is received, stored, filled into nurse tanks, and sold to the customer for direct application as a crop production nutrient. The maximum quantity stored is 84,118 pounds in an 18,000 gal storage tank and 56,078 pounds in a 12,000 gal storage tank. The worst-case release scenario: The worst-case scenario is the release of the total contents of the largest storage tank released as a gas over a period of 10 minutes. The maximum quantity released would be 63,100 pounds, which is the volume of the largest storage tank at 85 percent capacity as limited by design standards. The distance to the endpoint (point of dispersion to 200 ppm) is .78 miles (The Fertilizer Institute Worst-Case nlydrous Ammonia Release Table 1 ) There are 12 private homes and a total populal:ion of 52 people within the distance to the endpoint.. The a.'ernaive release scenario: The alternative release scenario, based on the most likely potential incident, is a release from a transfer hose failure (1.5"hose). Based on T he Fertili:,er Institute Alternate-Case Releases of Anhydrous Ammonia Table I, assuming that the release is stopped by active/passive mitigation after 2 minutes and a wind speed of 3 rneters/second, the following is a summary of results Release rate 3563 Ib/min Nlaximum quantity released 7127 Ibs. Distance to 200 ppm endpoint .048 miles /\RCHBOLD tGRI-SERVICES 21450 Co. Rd. J + P.O. Box +Archbold, OH 43502 + (419) "5-06 + Fax "-0622 There are 8 private homes and a total population of 26 people within the distance to the endpomt. 7he ge,eral accidental release prevention program and chemical-specific prevention steps: This facility has implemented the provisions of "Safety Requirements for the Storage and l-landling of Anhydrous Ammonia, K-61.1", published by The American National Standards Institute, and the standards of the US Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSI IA), 29 CFR 1910.111, 'Storage and Handling of Anhydrous Ammonia". All employees are trained in the equi pment safety features and the safe handling; of anhydrous ammonia. The five-year accident history: There has been no accidental release of anhydrous ammonia in the past five years that has caused any deaths, injuries, or significant property damage at the facility. Neither has there been a release that, to our knowledge, resulted in offsite deaths, injuries, evacuations, sheltering in place, property or environmental damc ge. The energency response program: The facility has a written Emergency Response Plan in accordance with OSHA standards, 29 CFR 1910.38 and 1910.120, including preenergency planning and employee training. A copy of the Emergency Response Plan has been given to the local fire department, and to the Local Emergency Planning Committee. The facility submits annual community right-to-know information as required under SARA Title IIl (EPCRA). Planned changes to improve safety: Safety improvements are an on-going process at this facility. Periodic evaluations are perform ed by company personnel and by the Ohio Department of Agriculture to assure the safety of equipment and procedures. There are no additional specific anhydrous ammonia safety recommendations for implementation at this time. |