NH3 Limited - Executive Summary

| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

1. The owner of NH3 Limited are committed to the prevention of any accidental releases of anhydrous ammonia.  If an accidental release should occur, the facility is prepared to work with the local fire co, or other authorities, to mitigate any release and minimize the impact of the release to people of the environment. 
2. The primary activity at the facility is the storage & selling of anhydrous ammonia to farmers, for crop production nutrients.  The maximum quality stored 116000 pounds in our storage tanks.  T 
3. The worst-case release scenario would be the release of gas over 10 minutes.  The maximum quanity released 11.7 pounds per min.  The distance to the endpoint is 1.32 miles. 
4.  The accidental release is to make sure all valves are tight. 
5.  I have not had an accident. 
6.  This facility has a emergency response plan and accordance with the local emergency authorities. 
7.  Safety improvement is an on-going process at this facility.  Periodic evaluations are performed as well a 
s workshop and safety class to maintane safe conditions.
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