Safety-Kleen (Deer Park), Inc. - Executive Summary

| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

Accidental Release Prevention and Response Policies 
Safety-Kleen has a long-standing commitment to worker and public safety.  This commitment is demonstrated by the resources invested in accident prevention, such as personnel training, considering safety in design, installation, operation, and maintenance of our processes. 
Description of the Stationary Sources and Regulated Substances 
Safety-Kleen operates a hazardous waste incinerator for the disposal of liquid and solid waste products.  The hazardous liquids (titanium tetrachloride, allyl alcohol, vinyl acetate, and toluene diisocynate) are brought to the facility for disposal via tank truck for both the worst-case and alternate scenario.  The representative flammable substance (pentane) is transported to the facility via rail car in the worst-case scenario and by tank truck in the alternate scenario. 
Worst-Case Toxic Release Scenario 
This is the catastrophic failure of a 5,000 gallon tanker truck of titanium tetrachloride.  The sp 
ill remains entirely within the containment area.  The toxic effects occur from the evaporation of the liquid. 
Worst-Case Flammable Release Scenario 
This is the catastrophic failure of a 20,000 gallon rail car.  The total quantity of the flammable substance forms a vapor cloud within the upper and lower flammability limits and the cloud explodes. 
Alternate Toxic Release Scenario 
This is a transfer line disconnect from a 5,000 gallon tanker truck containing any of the referenced toxic liquids.  The entire contents of the truck are spilled within the containment area and unmitigated evaporation occurs for 10 minutes until foam is applied to the containment area.   
Alternate Flammable Release Scenario 
This is a transfer line disconnect from a 5,000 gallon tanker truck containing pentane.  The entire contents of the truck are leased in the containment area and unmitigated evaporation occurs for 10 minutes until foam is applied to containment area.  A flammable vapor cloud forms during t 
his period.      
Hazard Assessment Results 
The worst case toxic release of titanium tetrachloride results in a toxic endpoint of 1.9 miles and there are no residences within this area.  The worst case release of pentane results in an explosion that has a distance of 0.38 miles to a one-psia overpressure.  The impacts from the alternate scenarios for titanium tetrachloride, allyl alcohol, vinyl acetate, toluene diisocyanate, and pentane are 0.31, 0.19, 0.29, 0.06, and 0.06 miles respectively. 
General Accidental Release Prevention Program/Chemical Specific Prevention Steps 
Safety-Kleen provides for and encourages employees to participate in all facets of process safety management and accident prevention.  Safety-Kleen also provides a variety of technical documents that are used to help maintain safe operation of the processes and chemical handling instructions. 
Five Year Accident History 
Safety-Kleen has no release of an RMP regulated substance in the past five years.  However, there 
has been five minor spills in the past five year of non RMP regulated substances that did not result in an offsite impact. 
Emergency Response Program 
Safety-Kleen works very closely with the Deer Park LEPC to and Channel Industries Mutual Aid (CIMA) to protect worker and public safety as well as the environment.  The coordination includes periodic meetings with the LEPC as well as communicating the RMP information with the public.  Safety-Kleen has 24-hour access to CIMA to provide a means of notifying the public and facilitating quick response.
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